Glad You Asked: Deafheaven, Mixtapes and The Baptist Generals | Buzz Blog
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Glad You Asked: Deafheaven, Mixtapes and The Baptist Generals



Dear GYA, I’ve avoided it for so long, but, unfortunately, I’m slowly getting sucked in to the catastrophe that is Amanda Bynes. From what I hear, she showed up to court wearing a blue wig. Half of me thinks I need to know what is going on, but the other half is telling me it’s shallow, nonsensical and pointless information. Is there anything happening that will distract me from this train wreck? –Holly Smithfield, West Valley City---

Holly, I completely understand. Celebrity train wrecks are like Halley’s Comet, coming  around only once in a while, and impossible to not watch. However, when you feel yourself succumbing to the urge to check out Perez Hilton, know that there is much going on today:

Metal band Deafheaven performs tonight at Kilby Court. Tickets are $12 and the show begins at 7.


Cincinnati-based pop-punk band Mixtapes will be performing at the Shred Shed. You Blew It and Light Years open the show. Tickets are $12 and the show starts at 7 p.m.

Indie-rock band The Baptist Generals perform at Urban Lounge tonight at 9. Tickets are $10.

For a complete list of today’s events, click here.
