Ogden Man Fails to Hijack Bus, Resorts to Button Mashing | Buzz Blog
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Ogden Man Fails to Hijack Bus, Resorts to Button Mashing



As common knowledge dictates, the ability to drive is essential to any successful bus hijacking. Last Wednesday, a UTA bus was almost hijacked in Ogden, but the culprit, Trace Green, was arrested after he was unable to drive the vehicle. On Sept. 11, Green was riding a bus until 36th Street and Tyler Avenue, when he tried to hijack it.---

According to John Harvey, the deputy director of administration, Green suddenly said he was not getting off the bus and added that he was probably going to jail that day. He then walked to the front of the bus and grabbed the fire extinguisher from behind the driver's seat. The driver pulled over and told the passengers to get off the bus.


Trace Green

According to the Ogden Police Department press release, while the bus driver was helping the passengers exit the vehicle, Green got into the driver's seat, but after pushing a bunch of buttons, was unable to drive it. While Green was attempting to get the bus to move, the driver grabbed Green to pull him out of the seat. Green then sprayed the fire extinguisher in the driver's face, got off the bus and ran away. He was apprehended by police officers while walking on 36th Street.

Harvey said that there isn't much they can do to prevent this from happening again. "He most likely had mental issues," Harvey said. "Even if there could have been an officer on there, he may have still done what he did."

Twitter: @lauriereiner