Alternate Realities Roundup 2/28 | Buzz Blog
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Alternate Realities Roundup 2/28



From a son of a U.S. Senator starting a hedge fund right out of college or the daughter of a governor being made a CEO without having an MBA, children of D.C.'s elite are cashing in on family connections.---

Top of the Alty World “Get Elected, Get Your Kids Rich: Washington Is Spoiled Rotten”--The Daily Beast

Inmates inside a Colorado federal supermax prison on hunger strike are being force-fed by prison officials.--The Nation

A lawmaker in Tennessee wants “Sex Offender” printed in read on the driver's licenses of all registered sex offenders.--Slate

Mother Jones looks at how U.S foreign aid may have helped support Uganda's draconian anti-gay laws.--Mother Jones

Top of Alty Utah

Count My Vote and the state senator looking to thwart the citizen initiative lock horns (video)--Utah Political Capitol

House Speaker Lockhart explains how her “bold” plan to place smart devices like iPads into the hands of school children across the state will overcome problems similar plans have faced in other states.--Salt Lake City Weekly

A bill seeking to change Utah's fraudulent adoption-mill reputation advances on the hill.--Salt Lake City Weekly

An electric-car tax incentive passes the house.--Utah Political Capitol


Stephanie Lauritzen thanks her LDS faith for teaching her the principles that have guided her life, even when that means guiding her away from the faith.

“Thank you, Mormonism, for teaching me about my pioneer ancestors, who faced an undue amount of persecution for believing differently from their neighbors and friends. Those guilt-inducing lessons on genealogy taught me that I have defiance and strength written into my DNA, because if my ancestors could leave their homes to chase a promised land, I can leave my home—your home, Mormonism—in search of a more egalitarian and loving Zion.”--Salt Lake City Weekly

The Long View

The Colorado Springs Independent looks at a Colorado-based nonprofit combatting the international sex trade in a visually stunning long read.

“In India, some of those partners are found in Kolkata, a city of 14.5 million. Poverty is ever-present here, obvious down every line of sight. People bathe in public fountains beside others sorting through trash or sleeping on thin mats. Goats, cows, pigs and dogs amble through side streets. Beggars hunch silently over coin dishes or shake empty formula bottles with one arm, an infant in the other. Your senses are assaulted by heavy air pollution and incessant horn blaring from tuk-tuks, taxis, motorcycles and trucks — even bike horns mounted to rickshaws. Vibrant colors burst from the most extreme examples of squalor, offering stark contrast between beauty and blight. For every bit of compassion called upon, a layer of callousness creeps in, too, a hardwired defense mechanism. To really absorb it all would feel like shouldering the world’s burdens. It’s the crushing force of that which feels beyond repair, and so vast in quantity and need that you wonder how any effort could begin to fix it.At the heart of the overwhelm lies Sonagachi, the largest red-light district in Asia. According to estimates, 11,000-plus girls and women here labor daily in the trade.”--Colorado Springs Independent
