Alternate Realities Roundup 4/1 | Buzz Blog
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Alternate Realities Roundup 4/1



At a private fundraiser former VP Dick Cheney receives applause for talking about bombing Iran.---

 Top of the Alty World

“LISTEN: In Private Speech, Dick Cheney Talks Bombing Iran and GOP Donors Applaud”--Mother Jones

While critics have called Obama weak on foreign policy insiders shows how the President faced down the war machine.--Rolling Stone

The Pentagon is set to overhaul the system for recovering remains of U.S. Soldiers.--ProPublica

And for an April 1 exclusive, High Country News examines how hippos have invaded waterways in the western states.--High Country News

Top of Alty Utah

Former Salt Lake County Mayor Peter Corroon is considering a bid to become new boss of state Dems.--Utah Policy

A rundown on the notable bills Governor Gary Herbert has signed into law so far.--Utah Political Capitol

Salt Lake City's Homeless Outreach Services Team has relaunched its website and is looking for new sponsors of red meters in the city that residents can use to support homeless service providers.--Salt Lake City Weekly

The Circuit Court has announced the judges who will hear Utah's same-sex marriage case.--Q Salt Lake


Utah's Superintendent of Public Instruction Martell Menlove is retiring and Utah Politico Hub wants to make sure his replacement gets more than the 90 minutes of deliberation that took place when Menlove was tapped for the position in 2012.

“While the importance of having a reliable leader in Utah’s top education post cannot be understated, the selection of a new superintendent should not be rushed. For context, Dixie State University has been looking for a new president since Stephen Nadauld stepped down in October, and the Canyons School District has been without a permanent Superintendent since spring of 2013 when David S. Doty moved on (three finalists announced today, so we may be approaching a decision soon). Utah should take its time as well and get the decision right.”--Utah Politico Hub

The Long View

This week commemorates City Weekly's 25th Best of Utah edition, celebrating all that's amazing in Utah. Here's a look at Sim Gill, reader's pick for Best Utahn.

“Salt Lake County’s District Attorney Sim Gill has had, by any account, an extraordinary first term. He waded into the political quagmire of Danielle Willard’s killing by undercover cops and effectively dragged the press-hating West Valley City Police Department into the light, raising questions about the agency’s narcotics unit and tossing out more than 100 cases. While many are still waiting to see what justice Willard’s family receives, Gill’s star has risen even higher as a result of his joint investigation with Davis County District Attorney Troy Rawlings into the Attorney General’s Office and allegations that Mark Shurtleff and John Swallow sold favors to a slew of unsavory characters. The latter investigation has been covered by The Washington Times and The New York Times, bringing Utah’s dirty secrets and Gill’s determination to air them out onto the national stage.”--Salt Lake City Weekly
