The Life In A Day: Jovi Bathemess (Episode 2) | Buzz Blog
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The Life In A Day: Jovi Bathemess (Episode 2)


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The Life in a Day is a monthly video series designed as a creative challenge for local skaters to produce video in the span of one day. The ultimate goal is to illustrate an honest portrait of the skater, to capture how they skate, how they think, how they interpret public space and architecture.---

“The Life In A Day” series is a perfect challenge for a skater like Jovi Bathemess. He is a skateboard lover to the core. He manages BC Surf and Sport, skates his ass off, films and makes skate videos, and is always taking amazing skate photos. His unique trick repertoire, creative use of spots, and passion for the artistry within skateboard culture, allow him to thrive in a “one-day” video concept like this.

We started at the shop, hooked up with the homies, bombed some hills, hit some favorite spots, and then mobbed through the city searching for new possibilities. This is an average Sunday for Jovi... 


Photos by Sam Milianta