Local Releases: Reaching New Levels Of Rhyme | Buzz Blog
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Local Releases: Reaching New Levels Of Rhyme



The weekend, we've got a massive release show for you to check out, but first we've got to show some local love for albums on the Web. --- First up is the debut release from SLC hardcore-punk band Chained Down, who have been around for just more than a year now playing private parties and warehouse shows. There isn't much else to say about them since they haven't really made themselves a force on the venue scene yet. Their fast-as-hell full-length, Crossroads, hit Bandcamp late last week, and you can download it for whatever price you'd like.


Next up is an album that actually came out last night from SLC rock band The Damn Handsomes. This is a alt/pop trip comprised of Erik Chu, Matthew Wilcox and John Rulon Swenson III, who have had a pretty good run along the Wasatch Front as a mid-card band. They've had some minor releases here and there online, but this marks their first official physical album to hit the streets. Right now there isn't a place to snag a copy of their new EP, Cold; you'll have to wait for them to book some new shows to snag a copy in person, but you can listen to all six tracks on YouTube right now.


Next up is an album that's actually coming out on Tuesday, the new EP from Visitors. This is a pretty kickass band (seen above, courtesy of Facebook) made up of experienced SLC musicians including Ian Cooperstein, Daniel Burt, Bryan Lee, Cameron Jorgensen and Ian Hilton. The last album these guys had out, the Nova EP, was released back in March 2013, and even though it had 10 tracks the band kept referring to it as a demo. But if the demo is any indication, then this new EP, called Blueshift, should be pretty damned cool. You can buy a copy off Visitors' website (and Bandcamp) for a mere $5. And if you want to catch them live, the band's official release show will hit May 30 at The Shred Shed.


And finally, we go onto release shows to see the latest from rapper Burnell Washburn. Washburn started out in 2008 as one of the youngest emcees to his the scene, and came out with an album before he was even 21, way back in 2010 with The White Dove EP. He's just been killing it since then with albums like Food & Love, An Apple A Day EP and Mt. Olympustrumentals; not including being a part of Hip Hop Roots SLC and founding Wasatch Renaissance. We could go on and on about what he's done in a short five years, but we've got to get to the real topic, which is his latest album, Gratitude. If the tracks that came out in January are any indication, he's headed to a new level as a performer that will be pretty damned interesting to watch. You can pick up a copy tonight at his release show at Kilby Court as he performs with Toki Wright, Dumb Luck, Pat Maine and Casual (Hieroglyphics). Tickets are $15, with music kicking off at 8 p.m.


Love music, head out, buy local.