Glad You Asked: The Beachmen, Isotopes & Jack Evan Johnson | Buzz Blog
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Glad You Asked: The Beachmen, Isotopes & Jack Evan Johnson



Dear GYA, Like most people, I have mixed feelings about watching that Michael Jackson hologram during last night's Billboard Music Awards. This new, digital MJ is gonna have a hell of a time being weird around kids, unless of course, they programmed him to do that. Shit, has anyone looked into that? Oh god, what have we done? Anything happening today as insane as that Michael Jackson hologram? - Greg Doopers, The Avenues--- 

Greg, all this time we thought it would be SkyNet that would eventually destroy us all, nobody saw this coming. Here's what's happening tonight: 

Local  band The Beachmen will be at Urban Lounge this evening. Fossil Arms and Big Wild Wings is also on the bill.  The show starts at 8 p.m. Admission is free! 

Las Vegas-based country folk rocker Jack Evan Johnson will be performing at The Garage On Beck tonight. Candid Coyote is also performing. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5. 

The Salt Lake Bees are taking on the Albuquerque Isotopes tonight at Smith's Ballpark. The game starts at 6:30 p.m. Tickets start at $5. 

For today's complete list of things to do, click here.

Twitter: @WolfColin