Glad You Asked: The Faint, Yann Tierson & Matty Mo | Buzz Blog
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Glad You Asked: The Faint, Yann Tierson & Matty Mo



Dear GYA, It looks like Eric Cantor lost the Virginia GOP Primary to a Tea Bagger. What does this mean, exactly? It means, the Republicans created the Tea Party in 2008 to do their grunt work against Obama and now the tables have turned, it's eating them alive. Enjoy the irony motherfuckers! Anything happening today now that the Tea Party has destroyed the GOP? - Brent Kaler, Park City---

Brent, this reminds me of that time the mob gave the green light to the Joker in the film Batman: Dark Knight. Eventually, he burns everyone's cash and blows up a hospital. These things are never a good idea. Here's what's happening today: 

Indie rock band The Faint will be at The Depot tonight. Reptar and Darren Keen  are also on the bill. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $25.  

Post-rock pioneer and renown film soundtrack composer, Yann Tierson will be at Urban Lounge this evening. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $20. 

City Weekly's 2014 CWMA DJ of the Year Matty Mo, will be at Willie's Lounge tonight for Willy Wednesdays. The music starts at 9 p.m. There's no cover.  

For today's complete list for things to do, click here.

Twitter: @WolfColin