Glad You Asked: Secret Abilities, Andy Gold & Collective Soul | Buzz Blog
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Glad You Asked: Secret Abilities, Andy Gold & Collective Soul



Dear GYA, Do you hear that low, permeating buzz? That's the sound of 200 million vuvuzelas from Brazil and it won't stop till the World Cup is over. It would seem the reach of their sonic annoyance has no bounds. We are powerless. Anything happening today that doesn't involve vuveuzelas? - Hank Jorrles, Magna---

Hank, until the World Cup is finished, everything will involve vuvuzelas. Here's what's up for today: 

Local spooky rock band Secret Abilities will be at Kilby Court tonight. My New Mistress and Valerie Rose Day will warm it up. The show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $6. 

Stand-up comedian Andy Gold will be at Wiseguys West Valley this evening. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $5. 

90s alternative band Collective Soul will be at the Sandy Amphitheater tonight at 8 p.m. Tickets are $35.  

For today's complete list of things to do, click here.

Twitter: @WolfColin