Reviews: The Expendables 3, Let's Be Cops, What If, The Giver and More | Buzz Blog
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Reviews: The Expendables 3, Let's Be Cops, What If, The Giver and More


It's a busy week for new releases in Utah theaters, and we've got reviews for all of them.

Scott Renshaw finds some old-school war movie satisfaction in Ryan Little's third Saints and Soldiers installment, Saints and Soldiers: The Void. Meanwhile, The Giver loses sight of much of what made Lois Lowry's novel so powerful, and Calvary rests largely on the performance by Brendan Gleeson as a world-weary priest.

Andrew Wright can't help being disappointed that The Expendables 3 dilutes the core nostalgia concept with too much young blood.

Danny Bowes laments the ill-timed arrival of Let's Be Cops, though the movie itself is just meh.

Eric D. Snider appreciates at least a modicum of romantic comedy creativity in What If.

In this week's feature reviews, Scott Renshaw looks at recycled Woody Allen philosophizing in Magic in the Moonlight, and contemplates whether the truth of the documentary The Dog is stranger—and more interesting—than the fiction of Dog Day Afternoon.