Alty News: 9/11 Illness Still Lingers and the Troublesome Rape Culture of the Alaskan Wilderness | Buzz Blog
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Alty News: 9/11 Illness Still Lingers and the Troublesome Rape Culture of the Alaskan Wilderness


Thousands of New Yorkers have been afflicted with cancer and other ailments that resulted from toxic dust from the 9/11 attacks, but a congressional fund to compensate these victims is set to expire in 2016.

Top of the Alty World

“Still clouded by dust”—The Economist

New figures from ProPublica show investors take almost half of all states tobacco settlement money.—ProPublica

A controversial ballot measure has made Tennessee the site of the nation's biggest showdown over abortion.—Mother Jones

Actor and comedian Bill Cosby talks about new projects and advocating for fair access to the ballots for African Americans.—The Root

Top of Alty Utah

A study finds Utah ranks 49 out of 50 for women's equality in the workplace.—Utah Political Capitol

Salt Lake County loses use of an armored SWAT vehicle after allegations surface that it was inappropriately used for a campaign fundraiser.—Utah Politico Hub

Eighteen years ago the small town of Spanish Fork, Utah accidentally booked a Rage Against the Machine Concert and hysteria ensued.—Salt Lake City Weekly

Congressional candidate Bill Barron is running to raise awareness of climate change.—Salt Lake City Weekly


Bryan Schott reflects on a Utah Policy poll showing 40 percent of Utahns not recognizing the name of would-be gubernatorial challenger Becky Lockhart.

“Remember before his run in 2004, Fred Lampropoulos bought paid editorials on KSL radio that ran seemingly every single day. That was nothing more than an attempt to build name recognition. That didn’t work for him as he eventually lost his bid for the nomination to Jon Huntsman.

That could not have been cheap for Lampropolous. Lockhart does not have the personal wealth of Lampropoulos, so building name recognition that way is out of the question.

Lockhart was plotting her run in a pre-SB 54 world. Her strategy then was sound - throw red meat to the delegates, knock Herbert out at convention and maybe face a weaker Republican in a primary. But, now that there’s another path to the ballot, that’s out the window. If Lockhart were to get through convention, she would almost assuredly face Herbert in a primary where his overwhelming cash advantage and superior name-recognition would lead to her ultimate political demise.”—Utah Policy

The Long View

The isolated but tight-knit communities of the Alaskan wilderness have higher rates of sexual assault than anywhere else in the United States.

“Growing up in Tanana, a town of 254, the prevalence of this kind of thing was common knowledge, but rarely discussed. Everyone knew the local elder who’d molested and raped his daughters and granddaughters for decades until he was arrested for touching another family’s girls; after four years in jail and another half dozen or so at a cabin downriver, he was back on the village tribal council. One of Geneva’s great aunts was molested and raped by an uncle for years; dozens of years later, the aunt’s grown daughter told her that the same uncle had molested her, too. Sometimes people pressed charges; most of the time, though, nothing happened. 'These perverts travel from village to village, from potlatches to dances,' Geneva says. 'And then they get drunk and you don’t know what they’re going to do.'”—The Atlantic
