FBI Task Force Seizes 30 Pounds of Synthetic Drug in SLC | Buzz Blog
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FBI Task Force Seizes 30 Pounds of Synthetic Drug in SLC


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Thursday members of the FBI Safe Streets Task Force executed a warrant on a convenience store located 319 W. 600 South and seized 30 pounds of Spice, a synthetic drug with marijuana-like properties. The task force, which includes detectives from multiple agencies also arrested Nihro Sulaiman for possession and intent to distribute.

As City Weekly has previously reported Spice as a drug has plagued Salt Lake City's homeless population because the drug is very difficult to confirm in urine analysis tests and possession of the drug can be a difficult charge to prosecute. The drug has been banned by the Utah Legislature since 2011 but since it is synthetic, manufacturers will often tweak the chemical structure of the drug just enough to make it a “new” substance that hasn't been legally banned.

This forces the Legislature to ban new variations of the drug every year.

Social services workers have also been disturbed to find that chemicals added to Spice would sometimes block the effects of homeless individuals' anti-psychotic medications causing them to have breakdowns, that may force them to be institutionalized.

If citizens have any info on Spice related crimes or other criminal activities the Salt Lake City Police Department encourages you to call 801-799-3000. Tips can be made anonymously by texting the keyword TIPSLCPD plus any relevant information to 274637 with the reference “crimetip.”
