Capsule Reviews: DOLPHIN TALE 2, THE DROP, BELIEVE & more | Buzz Blog
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Capsule Reviews: DOLPHIN TALE 2, THE DROP, BELIEVE & more


Here's a roundup of new releases in Utah theaters this weekend.

 Renshaw dug the neighborhood atmosphere of The Drop (pictured), but recommends it even more strongly as a showcase for the ever-more-amazing Tom Hardy. Dolphin Tale 2 continues providing the same simple charms as the original, while the would-be raunchy sports comedy 108 Stitches can find almost no charm in its reference-heavy attempt at mixing Animal House with Major League.

Danny Bowes let the formlessness of the fact-based drama Believe slide, thanks to Brian Cox in the lead role and a decent introduction to a fascinating story. Also see his feature review of The Trip to Italy, which once again capitalizes on the genius and chemistry of stars Rob Brydon and Steve Coogan.

Unscreened for press, but will be reviewed later: Atlas Shrugged III: Who Is John Galt? and the suspense thriller No Good Deed.