That lady who voiced Smurfette will be at EnergySolutions tonight | Buzz Blog
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That lady who voiced Smurfette will be at EnergySolutions tonight


Dear GYA, I'm considering checking out that lady who voiced Smurfette in those Smurf movies tonight at EnergySolutions Arena. But I'm wondering, will she be doing any smurf-related material? Because, look, I don't want to get smurfed into going to some concert where I end up leaving super smurfed-off because it had nothing to do with the Smurfs. Seriously, I refuse to get smurfed in the smurf again. - Frank Kolstener, Salt Lake City

Frank, I'm not entirely sure what Katy Perry (the voice of Smurfette) has in store for tonight's performance. But as a die-hard Smurfs fan, you should probably just go anyway. Don't smurf this opportunity to see one of your favorite voice actors. Here's the details: 

Pop star Katy Perry will be at EnergySolutions Arena this evening. Tegan & Sara are also on the bill. The show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets start at $29.50. 

the indie rock outfit, Kopecky Family Band will be at The State Room tonight. Avid Dancer is also on the ticket. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $13.

Canadian folk-rock band Reuben and the Dark will be at Urban Lounge. The Merchant Royal, Kelli Moyle are also performing. The show starts at 8 p.m. Admission is free!

For tonight's complete list of things to do, click here