At the age of 64, George Thorogood is still bad to the bone and he's playing at The Depot tonight | Buzz Blog
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At the age of 64, George Thorogood is still bad to the bone and he's playing at The Depot tonight


Dear GYA, Just because I get a senior discount when I eat lunch at Cracker Barrel doesn't mean I'm not "bad to the bone." Oh, I'm "bad to the bone," baby. I'm bad all the way to the cellular level. Ah damn, I gotta wrap this up, my girlfriend is calling me on the Jitterbug. Anything "bad to the bone" happening tonight? - Gregory Washdon, Salt Lake City 

Gregory, age doesn't define how "bad to the bone" a person is. It's all about attitude, man. Here's a few "bad to the bone" options for tonight: 

Legendary blues/rock badass George Thorogood and his band, The Destroyers, will be at The Depot tonight. Trampled Underfoot is also on the bill. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $40.50. 

City Weekly, True TV & Brewvies will be showing the final season of Sons of Anarchy for free on the big screen this evening. The show starts at  8 p.m. Admission is free! 

Punk band The Maxies will be at The Shred Shed. Bombshell Academy and Hamartia are also on the ticket. The show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $6. 

For tonight's complete list of things to do, click here