TV Tonight: Criminal Minds, Stalker, The Bridge | Buzz Blog
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TV Tonight: Criminal Minds, Stalker, The Bridge


Criminal Minds (CBS)
  • Criminal Minds (CBS)

What’s new on the tube tonight:

Criminal Minds (CBS) Season Premiere: The 10th season of TV’s best crime procedural introduces new Token Brunette BAU Member No. 4, Jennifer Love Hewitt. Nope, not even the Ghost Whisperer can ruin this show …

Stalker (CBS) Series Debut: It's difficult to say who's working harder on Stalker: Dylan McDermott, acting his ass off to prove that he's a brilliant Noo Yawk detective, or the special-effects crew toiling to give co-star Maggie Q cleavage. Both fall ... flat. As the title suggests, this series is about a threat-assessment unit of the LAPD that works stalker cases, but it's just another under-lit clone from the CBS Cop Show Replicator 3000®. Maggie Q deserves better; McDermott, not so much.

The Bridge (FX) Season Finale: Is shit going to get weird? Shit is definitely going to get weird.