Will there be full frontal at the Dandy Warhols tonight? Eh, probably not. | Buzz Blog
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Will there be full frontal at the Dandy Warhols tonight? Eh, probably not.


Dear GYA, Not that I'm against nudity or anything, but I've heard that Dandy Warhol shows typically show full frontal (dudes and chicks), does this mean I'll also have to go in the buck? I mean, I totally dig the bohemian lifestyle, but I really just want to see a good rock show...in pants. - Lars Poleder, Salt Lake City 

Lars, to be honest, their shows are known for nudity, but when you consider what state we're in, I think you'll be OK. Also, please don't go to this show in your b-day suit. Here's the details: 

Psych-rock group The Dandy Warhols will be at Urban Lounge this evening. Bonfire Beach will also open up. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $20.

Here's a couple options that require clothes: 

The worldbeat band Gypsy Lumberjacks will be at Bar Deluxe tonight. Matthew and the Hope are also on the bill. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5. 

Indie-pop singer Wakey! Wakey! will be at Kilby Court. Ben Fields and Luke Wesley are also performing. The show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $12. 

For tonight's complete list of things to do, click here