Alty News: Kissinger Planned to Bomb Cuba; Utah Lawmakers Want a Constitutional Convention | Buzz Blog
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Alty News: Kissinger Planned to Bomb Cuba; Utah Lawmakers Want a Constitutional Convention


Whites families average household income is 56 percent larger than that of African Americans and 39 percent larger than that of Hispanics.

Top of the Alty World

The typical White family is 20 times wealthier than the typical Black family.—Mother Jones

The Houston Press profiles the stories of families leaving their homes behind to go to state where medicinal marijuana is legal in order to help their sick children.—Houston Press

The Boulder Weekly looks at why Colorado's anti-fracking measures weren't supported by state Democrats or environmental groups.—Boulder Weekly

New evidence shows Henry Kissinger planned on bombing Cuba for fighting apartheid in Africa.—Democracy Now!

Top of Alty Utah

Two Utah lawmakers have joined a group pushing for a Constitutional Convention “where state legislators representing less than one in five Americans could vote to nullify any law or judicial ruling.”—Utah Political Capitol

Primary Children's holds a dramatic Ebola press conference to announce its extraordinarily unlikely that a patient has Ebola.—Salt Lake City Weekly

Mark Shurtleff makes an appearance at the DABC meeting and two club licenses are dispensed.—Salt Lake City Weekly

The U.S. Supreme Court still has not announced that it will hear any same-sex marriage cases including Utah's.—Q Salt Lake


The Utah Politico Hub and Utah Political Capitol debate the fate of the Attorney General's race with UPC editor Curtis Haring saying the Democrats failed to play up the Swallow angle enough in the campaign.

“Though Stormont has battled to have his message heard, and though he alludes to the Swallow scandal, he and his Democratic party have failed to use, let alone capitalize, on what many could argue is the worst political scandal in Utah history.

Had the Swallow scandal never broke, it is quite possible that we would be discussing the inevitable victory of Swallow over Stormont in two years. But the failure of the Democrats to even mention Swallow beyond the casual murmurings of insiders has all but doomed Stormont to defeat.”—Utah Politico Hub

The Long View

New Republic looks at how the state of Louisiana is disappearing into the sea at an alarming rate.

“Louisiana is disappearing. Since 1932, the Gulf of Mexico has swallowed 2,300 square miles of the state’s wetlands, an area larger than Delaware. If no action is taken, the missing Delaware will become a missing Connecticut, and then a missing Vermont. The loss of the marshes has catastrophic implications, because they are the state’s first, and strongest, defense against hurricanes.

Two culprits are responsible for most of the destruction. The first is the Army Corps of Engineers, which over the past 130 years has built many of the levees that pin the modern Mississippi River in place to prevent flooding. Without a restrained river, Louisiana would be unsuitable for human civilization. But it was the flooding that built and sustained much of the southern part of the state in the first place. For millennia, whenever a breach opened in the riverbank, muddy water rushed through, depositing alluvium that solidified into land. When one crevasse plugged with mud, the river opened breaches elsewhere. Since the Mississippi has been hemmed in, most of its sediment, instead of replenishing the wetlands, discharges straight into the Gulf of Mexico and disappears off the continental shelf.

The other major destructive force in the region is the fossil fuel industry. One-quarter of the nation’s energy supply passes through southern Louisiana, and much of its infrastructure lies in Plaquemines Parish. Over the last century, energy companies have dredged thousands of miles of canals for tanker ships and pipelines.”—New Republic
