The Life In a Day: Colin Brophy (Episode 7) | Buzz Blog
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The Life In a Day: Colin Brophy (Episode 7)



The Life in a Day is a monthly video series designed as a creative challenge for Utah skateboarders to produce a video in the span of 24 hours. The ultimate goal is to illustrate an honest portrait of the skater, to capture how they skate, how they think, how they interpret public space and architecture. This month's episode focuses on local skater Colin Brophy.

This dude skates any type of terrain and always with his unique, laid-back surfy style. Colin had a wide variety of spots that he wanted to hit throughout the day from Draper to The Avenues and, because the dude is so consistent with his tricks, we were able to knock out something at every spot. We posse’d up with “ROY” the homie photographer, and the rest of the crew and went on a search and destroy mission through the valley. We even had the time and energy for a festive Halloween “treat” to finish the night. -Finale 

All photos by Dillon "ROY" Nay