There better be at least one person dressed as Gotye at the Kimbra show tonight. | Buzz Blog
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There better be at least one person dressed as Gotye at the Kimbra show tonight.


Dear GYA, This Halloween I'll be dressing up as Gotye, again. I know, I know, that one song is super old but I'm only doing it because I'm cheap and all you have to do is get naked and paint a bunch of geometric shapes all over your body. The only thing is, I was wondering if I should wear my Gotye get-up to the Kimbra show tonight at In The Venue? Do you think they'll be other Gotyes? - Vince Lunkler, Salt Lake City 

Vince, Yes, you most definitely should. Who cares if In The Venue is filled with Gotyes? That sounds like a magical evening. Here's the details for the show: 

New Zealand-based singer Kimbra will be at In The Venue this evening. Empress Of will warm it up. The show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $18. 

Here's a few other options for tonight ... that you should also dress-up for: 

British indie-rock band Alt-J will be at The Complex. The show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $24. 

Indie-pop duo Dale Earnhardt Jr Jr will be at Urban Lounge. Miniature Tigers and Madi Diaz are also on the bill. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $17. 

For tonight's complete list of things to do, click here