TV Tonight: Lucha Underground, American Horror Story: Freak Show | Buzz Blog
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TV Tonight: Lucha Underground, American Horror Story: Freak Show


Lucha Underground (El Rey)
  • Lucha Underground (El Rey)
What’s new on the tube tonight:

Lucha Underground (El Rey) Series Debut: Gringo wrestling has become a bloated corporate bore—now is the time for Spanish wrestling to strike! Find the El Rey Network, then meet the masked-marvel Luchadors …

American Horror Story: Freak Show (FX) New Season: Before watching the first two episodes of Freak Show (which arrived in the mail the day before the season premiere—you’re usually so timely, FX, what happened?), I didn’t think American Horror Story would ever top Season 1. Season 2 (Asylum) was a mess, Season 3 (Coven) was a slight improvement, but the original remains damned near perfect. Aside from the terrifying Stabby (actual name: Twisty) the Clown, the 1950s carnival-set Freak Show has been short on big scares thus far, but the atmosphere is rich and the cinematography is more gorgeous than anything currently in TV or film. If you tuned out of AHS, now is the time to catch up. It’s worth the Stabby the Clown nightmares.