Getting eaten by a giant back talking plant would be so annoying. Little Shop of Horrors is tonight at the Grand Theatre. | Buzz Blog
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Getting eaten by a giant back talking plant would be so annoying. Little Shop of Horrors is tonight at the Grand Theatre.


Dear GYA, Thinking about going to tonight's Little Shop of Horrors show at the Grand Theatre, but I gotta say, it would be so damn annoying to be eaten by a back talking plant that has a taste for human flesh. Believe me, it's not the whole, "getting devoured by a plant thing" that would bug me— it's the whole, "sitting in there and being forced to listen to his jokes thing" that would drive me insane. - Michelle Hoster, Salt Lake City

Michelle, this reminds me of that movie with Mark Whalberg where the world's plants decide to kill all humans, The Happening. It wasn't wasn't the plants killing everyone thing that got to me, it was the world being repopulated by Mark Whalberg thing that really scared me to death. Here's the details for tonight's show: 

The cult classic musical Little Shop of Horrors will be at The Grand Theatre this evening. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $14-$20. 

Here's a few other options for tonight: 

Country-blues singer Wayne Hancock will be at The State Room. The show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $13. 

Local Nightfreq DJs Cobol and Bello will be spinning at The Urban Lounge tonight. Park City DJ Shields is also on the bill. The party starts at 8 p.m. Admission is free before 11 p.m., $5 after. 

Boston metal band InAeona will be at The Shred Shed. Star Grazer and Silent Sorcerer are also performing. The show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are $7.  

For tonight's complete list of things to do, click here