Summon your inner Daniel Radcliffe at tonight's Blackalicious show | Buzz Blog
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Summon your inner Daniel Radcliffe at tonight's Blackalicious show


Dear GYA, Ever since Daniel Radcliffe slayed his song "Alphabet Aerobics" on The Tonight Show a month ago, he really has solidified himself as one of the best actors turned rappers. I'd probably say he's better than Drake or Donald Glover. - Marie Golty, Salt Lake City 

Marie, when Daniel Radcliffe performed "Alphabet Aerobics" on The Tonight Show he was was doing a cover of Blackalicious' track of the same name— they're actually performing tonight at Urban Lounge. Here's the details: 

Bay Area rap group Blackalicious will be at Urban Lounge this evening with local support from Scenic Byway and Gig of Better Taste Bureau. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $20. 

A few other options for tonight: 

Bar Deluxe will be hosting Salt Lick Nights a full evening of local music from Candy's River House, Temples, Chela Lujan and The Darin Caine Hellhound Express. The doors open at 8 p.m. 

Salt Lake City hardcore-punk band Wounds of Valor will be on stage at Metro Bar. Away at Lakeside, Black Throne and Dethrone the Sovereign are also performing. The show starts at 9 p.m. Tickets are $6. 

For tonight's complete list of things to do, click here