Wine Wednesday: Holiday Mulled Wine | Buzz Blog
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Wine Wednesday: Holiday Mulled Wine



Having a pot of mulled wine warming on Christmas Eve has become a tradition in my house. I love the wine itself, as well as the fragrances that signal the holiday season. 

You could make this mulled wine on the stove in a large pot or pan, but I prefer to use a slow cooker or crockpot so that the wine stays warm but doesn't boil. If you boil the wine you'll burn the alcohol off, and who wants that? 

Also, there's no need to use an expensive bottle of wine here. Sure, you'll want to use a red wine that's drinkable, but don't waste your best Bordeaux by using it in a pot of mulled wine. 


1 750 ml. bottle of fruity red wine, such as Merlot or Zinfandel

4 cups apple cider

1/4 cup honey

1 orange, peeled and juiced (save the orange peels and cut them into 1-2 inch pieces)

4 cloves

3 star anise

2 sticks of cinnamon

1/4 tsp. grated nutmeg


Chuck everything except the orange peel into a crockpot or slow cooker set to low. 

Serve the mulled wine in mugs or coffee cups and garnish with the saved orange peel. 

Happy Holidays!