A Christmas Kurt Bestor is the best Kurt Bestor | Buzz Blog
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A Christmas Kurt Bestor is the best Kurt Bestor


Dear GYA, Our family has plenty of holiday traditions, but none of them top watching Kurt Bestor just straight-up Kurt Bestoring all over the Christmas spirit. Seriously,when he gets behind a piano and Kurt Bestors through my favorite holiday classics, I just can't help but leave the auditorium with a little piece of Kurt Bestor in my heart. - Marie Fornel, Salt Lake City 

Marie, I agree. Christmas time is Kurt Bestor time. Here's the details on tonight's show: 

Kurt Bestor's Christmas Spectacular will be happening at the Egyptian Theatre. The show starts at 6 p.m. Tickets start at $29. There will also be a Christmas day show. 

A few other options for tonight: 

- Get to the liquor stores by 6 p.m. 

- Go watch the final Hobbit movie at Brewvies. 

- Call your parent's and wish them a Merry Christmas