Merry X-Mas Featuring: Baby Ghosts! | Buzz Blog
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Merry X-Mas Featuring: Baby Ghosts!

Joy to you with a holiday music video!


For those of you checking out this blog on a holiday, HELLO! And welcome to a Very Merry X-Mas from City Weekly. In fact, I'm the only post happening today to my knowledge, so bonus for me! Every year I try to conjure up something to say about Christmas, even though I don't particularly celebrate it or take part in anything with anyone. Basically, my day is comprised of eating Indian food and watching all the holiday specials at my disposal. I delve deep into the catalog for chestnuts like Beavis & Butthead, Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, Batman: The Animated Series, and of course the MST3K classic Santa Claus Conquers The Martians.


Speaking of Santa, parents, come with me over here for a second. The whole reindeer traveling overnight with a magic bag is starting to become tiresome. The reality is, kids are both equal parts smart and stupid, and Santa seems to be getting killed off in the smart category faster each year. If you're going to make kids believe in Santa, here's a geek perspective that could help. The comic book Fables described how Santa goes from house to house all in a single night easily. He is such a magical being, that he appears everywhere at once. Same appearance of the reindeer, same scuffle down the chimney, same milk and cookies routine, just with the twist that he is so magically special that he can do it multiple times at once.


I won't make this post long, mainly because your attention has probably shifted to the new (insert product here) that you're going to break sometime in the next week, so let's cut to the chase. Ever since I was in television, I suggested that we invite a musical guest onto the show for people to watch, as a treat to those who shared their holiday time off with us. Of course, being local television, it never happened and still hasn't. So when this blog started, I decided to make that my tradition every year I have a post on Christmas Eve or Day. This year we have a brand new song and video from the awesome gang in Baby Ghosts! This song was specially made for this City Weekly post, which you can watch the video below, and also purchase the single for whatever you'd like on Bandcamp. Enjoy your holiday and Merry X-Mas from all of us at City Weekly.