Alty News: Unprosecuted Deaths on the Border; The Lifestyles of Chinese Billionaires | Buzz Blog
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Alty News: Unprosecuted Deaths on the Border; The Lifestyles of Chinese Billionaires


United States Customs and Border Protection officers have killed nearly 50 people in the last 10 years, and not a single officer has been disciplined.

Top of the Alty World

"U.S. Customs and Border Protection Has Killed Nearly 50 People in 10 Years. Most Were Unarmed. "—New Republic

Nearly half of all Americans didn't take a single vacation day in 2014—Quartz

New IRS rules against Dark Money won't likely be able to go in effect before the 2016 presidential election.—ProPublica

Conservatives in the U.S. House will once again make an unsuccessful attempt to oust John Boehner from the Speaker's chair.—Slate

Top of Alty Utah

A new poll has 74 percent of Utahns saying that blame for gridlock in Washington D.C. should fall at least partly on Utah's own congressional delegates.—Utah Policy

A lawmaker wants to pass a bill that would thwart the "Count My Vote" compromise of last year.—Utah Political Capitol

Former inmate Karl Winsness has created a scholarship program to benefit children with parents who are incarcerated.—RadioActive!


Utah Politico Hub challenges the wisdom of the Utah Republican Party holding a Sunday press conference to announce support for challenging 2014's "Count My Vote" compromise legislation.

Perhaps there were other reasons for holding this press conference on a Sunday. I would propose a few possibilities:

* They wanted to bury it. Nothing says buried like a few journalists in a room in Utah on a Sunday immediately after church meetings during an NFL playoff game.

* They wanted to show that they were hip and cool. Just like rebellious kids wear their hair long or skip church, they felt that ignoring the societal mores around them would send that message.

* They’ve spent too much time in Washington, DC and forgot that they were representing the people of Utah – the second most religious state in the nation.—Utah Politico Hub

The Long View

GQ looks at the wealth of China by accompanying "luxury wealth purveyors" as they show China's bountiful crop of billionaires how to truly live like a fat cat.

In 2004, there were three billionaires on the Hurun list of Chinese billionaires. (The Hurun and Forbes lists are the gold standards when it comes to counting rich Chinese people.) Today there are 354 Chinese billionaires on that list—388 if you include the billionaires in Hong Kong. There are also 60,000 Chinese people worth at least $200 million—another line of demarcation between being wealthy and being a photon cannon of currency.

Now, America is still number one in billionaires with 492. Fuck yeah, America, etc. But Rupert Hoogewerf, the Luxembourg-born man behind the Hurun list, estimated for GQ that even given their relative economic slowdown, the Chinese would overtake us in billionaires in two years. He also said that for every billionaire Hurun knows about in China, they suspect there's another one they don't. "Some of them we don't know about because their wealth is new or they live somewhere remote, and some of them are secretive because they're government officials or what have you," Rupert said. But in a world of profound income stagnation (the median income in America is essentially the same as it was fifteen years ago), in a world where more and more money is being concentrated in the hands of the hyper-rich and where most of the hyper-rich have already established their spending patterns and taste preferences—not to mention parked their capital in the banks and companies of their choice—you could argue that the new and soon-to-be billionaires of China are the most important market in the world. If you want to sell things like, say, mega-yachts, China represents close to 100 percent of your potential growth market.—GQ
