In The Loop: 2/6/16. Warming Hearts In The Tundra | Buzz Blog
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In The Loop: 2/6/16. Warming Hearts In The Tundra

A brief look at events from February 7-20.


Hello to all you chocolate-buying, heart-fluttering, date-planning, teeth-whitening, red-wearing, flower-ordering trying-to-find-happiness-in-the-middle-of-the-cold enthusiasts! Yes, it's true, Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and much like Groundhog's Day, for many of you will be slightly predictable and anticlimactic. But for the select few of you who know what romance truly is, this will be a special occasion and you'll remember it for months to come... until your birthday or Christmas, whichever comes first. In any case, I'll be kicking back and treating myself to a hearty dinner, probably to Valentine's episodes of Futurama and The Simpsons, just for old times sake, because you gotta love yourself too. Underneath this picture of downtown SLC last week, bathed in cold water just before the snow really hit, are the next two weeks worth of events to check out. Please enjoy, and remember, if you truly love someone, just say it already. Life's too short to hold back on truth.


2/7: PERIOD. Party & Workshop at Vive Juicery
2/7: Sunday Night Sinner A Go-Go at Club X
2/9: Documentary Filmmaker's Master Class at Avrec Art House
David Bowie Tribute Night at Urban Lounge
Crimson Ball: For the Love of Art at The Leonardo
2/12: The Bee: True Stories From The Hive at The Leonardo
2/12: Sudden Death Drag with Mae Daye at Club Jam
2/12: The He & She Show at Sandy Station
2/12: Wasilly Ball at Metro Bar
2/13:  Valentines Local Artisan Trunk Show at IconoCLAD
2/13: FantasyCon's 2nd Annual Bleeding Heart Ball at Utah Cultural Celebration Center
2/13: Banff Mountain Film Festival, multiple days and venues
2/18: Channel 801 at Mod A-Go-Go
2/19: Curiouser & Curiouser at Urban Arts Gallery
2/19: Sketch Cabaret - RUMOUR at Metro Bar
2/20: Choreography Festival with SALT Contemporary Dance
2/20: Wasatch Roller Derby: Black Diamond Divas vs. The Hot Wheelers at The Derby Depot