In The Loop: 7/23/16. Pies And Beer For Everyone! | Buzz Blog
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In The Loop: 7/23/16. Pies And Beer For Everyone!

Cool events for you to check out from July 24 to August 6.


Hello to all you street-camping, parade-watching, bonnet-wearing, float-decorating Pioneer Day enthusiasts! The holiday this year falls on a Sunday, which is code for "hey, we get to cheat and celebrate it over two days" to those who love the holiday. Which is all fun and good for those of you who don't have to work on Monday. You know, the whole 7 percent of companies who even bother. For the rest of us, we'll be grinding the axe while eating pie and sipping beer. For those of you not into the holiday at all, here's two weeks worth of events for you. But first, a random picture from the streets of SLC.


7/24: Pokemon Go - The First Meet Up! at Murray Park
7/24: KRCL's Annual Pie & Beer Day at Beer Bar
7/24: Slammin' Sundays Art Show at Jed's Barbershop
7/25: 22nd Annual NACIP POWWOW at Liberty Park
7/25: Salt City Poetry Slam Team Sendoff at Weller Book Works
7/28: Halloween In July at Metro Bar
7/29: Utah Tap Fest at Sugar Space
7/29: Sinister Sideshow at D&R Spirits
7/30: Lotus Bowls Launch Party at Jenkstars Casl
7/30: Station Comedy Showcase at Sandy Station
7/30: Fetish Ball at Area 51
7/31: Funko/Sub Box Swap at Watchtower Cafe
7/31: Pink Picnic at Sugar House Park
8/5: 6th Annual Parking Lot Sale at Central Book Exchange