In The Loop: 10/1/16. 'Tis The Haunting Season | Buzz Blog
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In The Loop: 10/1/16. 'Tis The Haunting Season

Awesome events for you to check out from October 2-15


Hello to all you pumpkin-carving, tree-decorating, candy-buying, carol-humming, costume-creating, present-buying, can-you-wait-until-December enthusiasts! For real, it just barely turned October the day you're reading this, and I'm seeing people and businesses already preparing for Christmas. I totally get that there are a select few who still believe Halloween is a "devil's holiday," and you're super-paranoid of bad things happening, so you'd rather fish for candy out of a car trunk in a church parking lot during daylight. That doesn't give you carte blanche to skip Halloween and Thanksgiving, and pretend FM 100 is playing X-mas tunes 24/7 by using Spotify! We've got two weeks' worth of events to help remind you it's still the fall; check them out below. But first, we have some artwork from Poor Yorick Studios, which just held its latest open house event last weekend. You can see photos I took of new artwork on my Facebook page, but I thought I'd choose something that fit the mood.


10/2: Card Collecting & Gaming at Watchtower Cafe
10/4: Ladies Game Night at Game Haven
10/4: Literary Death Match at The State Room
10/6: Pop-Up Vintage Flea Market at 1528 So. State St., SLC
10/6: SLC Pink Edition 2 Release Party at Kilby Court
10/7: Fall 2016 Art Market at Sugar House Garden Center
10/8: 11th Annual Adoption Walk With Me at Liberty Park
10/8: Cowboy Market & Flea at Barbwire and Lace
10/8: Logan Pride Festival at Various Venues
10/8: The Good Times Are Killing Me Premiere Party + Alley Cat at Clubhouse SLC
10/8: The Block: Film & Art Festival at Various Venues
10/9: Andrew W.K. - Power of Partying at Este Pizza Downtown
10/10: Val Holley Author Signing at Booked on 25th
10/10: Octobers Utah Pacific Island Film Series at SLC Public Library
10/11: Happy Place book launch party at Weller Book Works
10/13: What I Thought I Saw Exhibit & Dialogue at UMOCA
10/13: Unlock Your Psychic Skills at Crone's Hollow
10/14: The Bee: True Stories from the Hive at Church & State
10/14: I Am Salt Lake LIVE: Domestic Violence Uncensored at Sorenson Unity Center
10/14: Halloween Tattoo Party at Fallen Angel Tattoos
10/14: ArtsOfChaos Showcase at AISU
10/14: Salt Lake Comic Con Halloween Party at Infinity Center
10/15: The Ultimate Wine Run at Jordan Park
10/15: UCW-Zero Presents: Incarceration at UCW Arena