Last year we saw some podcasts come and go from the local scene, and while it was sad to see some with great potential shut down, it was nice to hear some fresh shows take hold of the mic. One of those shows is Your Cre8tivity, whose trio of hosts from very different backgrounds converge into the studio and interview people who are trying to shake things up in the SLC area. Today we chat with Steve,
Andrea and Dylan about coming together to form the show and where they intend to take things now that they've celebrated their one-year anniversary. (
All pictures courtesy of YourCre8tivity.)
Steve Hatch (far left), Andrea Peterson (second left) & Dylan Mazziotti (far right), with Cori & Tui from Watchtower Cafe
Gavin: Hey everyone, first off, tell us a little bit about yourselves.
Dylan: Born and raised in Salt Lake City with the exception of most of the '80s in Vernal, after which I spent a lot of time in art classes during junior and high school. After a practice marriage and 15 years later, I returned to school to become a graphic and web designer, which I have been doing as a freelancer for the past nine years.
Andrea: I am a bit of a free-spirit. Well, most would actually disagree with that and say I am more than a bit of a free-spirit. I am the definition of free-spirit. I have a wanderlust for travel, for living, for exploring, for adventure, for jobs—for basically anything in life. I’d say I’m curious for life and curious for people. I’ve lived all over: Texas, Boston, NY, Miami and now SLC. And I’ve traveled for fun across the states, Canada, Europe, Mexico and South America. And my jobs have ranged from publishing to journalism, videographer, film, writing, acting and now multi-media work for different clients and organizations.
Steve: I grew up in Utah and have done some pretty amazing things. My biggest accomplishment was assisting in opening Hatch Family Chocolates in the Avenues in April 2003. We helped create a fun environment to showcase some amazing confections and desserts. Hatch Family Chocolates is my life, I love it. I love seeing customers come into our shop maybe a little worn down or stressed. Chocolate and sweets have this wonderful potion to just help people forget their worries. I love seeing everyone just smiling and laughing while enjoying our confections. Running a small business has had many ups and downs, but I wouldn’t change my life for anything. I love what I’m doing, which is mainly eating chocolates and treats all day long.
How is everything going with your current jobs and projects?
Dylan: Things are going incredibly well. Much of my focus lately has been working with Wiseguys (posters, email blasts, etc.) promoting ongoing bookings and assisting in preparation for the upcoming Golden Spike Comedy & Podcast Festival. Additionally, I am working on numerous other projects for clients involving print, social media and website design.
Andrea: Things are going really well. Currently, I am working as a Digital Media Manager at
Salt Lake Magazine, freelancing still as a videographer/editor and acting on-the-side for both stage and film. I just finished producing/writing/acting in season one of
You Again, a locally produced web series. I also just finished performing in SLAC’s production of
Winter back in the fall. And will be starting up with Utah Rep’s upcoming production of
The Other Place. I joke I have the adult version of A.D.D.
Steve: I have one of the greatest jobs in the world. I get to eat chocolate all day long and make people happy as they come to visit our shop. Hatch Family Chocolates is definitely not just your average chocolate shop. We hope that we are assisting in making our customers live a happy life. Hatch Family Chocolates is always hosting various activities from Magic Monday every Monday night. We host Goran Strbac and his amazing band playing the finest jazz music in the state. Finally, each summer we host the Avenues Block Parties where we hold a literal block party on our street before we screen outdoor movies. Many people come play with the wonderful creatures from Creatures Encounters before each movie begins, where we pass out free popcorn to all that come to enjoy the festivities. All of these events are just compliments to some of the best house-made ice cream and hand-dipped chocolates in the state. Honestly, Utah has some of the coolest chocolate shops in the world, and we are so fortunate to be a part of such a wonderful group of chocolatiers.
When did all of you meet each other and get to become friends?
Dylan: I meet Steve first after becoming aware of the shop from
The Little Chocolatiers TV show and went there to check it out, our friendship grew from there. I met Andrea at a fundraising event for her
You Again web series at the now-closed Sandy Station. I learned about her web series through mutual friends Tim Drake and Mario DeAnglis (my photography instructor at BEAU), who both are involved on both sides of the camera.
Andrea: I definitely remember the night I met Dylan. It was after a ridiculously long day, and I’m not even sure he knows all the details. It was in collaboration with
You Again. But the morning before I met Dylan I had been up all night editing episodes to show at the fundraiser, so I was going on no sleep, then I had to do a dare as a part of the fundraiser which involved eating three items of a viewers choice out of a blender, then hosting the fundraising event, and finally we all went out afterwards to Chilli’s. I remember our waitress’ boyfriend had showed up because it was her birthday, and we invited him to hang out with us and sang "Happy Birthday," and went through bowls and bowls of chips and salsa. I think that’s the best way to get to know someone! I think though Dylan’s and my true friendship developed over our crazy bouts of insomnia, our inner geekiness and our love of rum. Nothing like late night conversations over Facebook chat while sipping rum to really get to know someone.
Steve: Dylan is our link. I met Dylan years ago when we need some graphic art done for our shop. He did a wonderful job and we became friends. Dylan knows everyone, he has a ton of friends. I met Andrea after being introduced by Dylan.
Dylan, what made you decide to start Your Cre8tivity as a blog first?
Dylan: The inspiration for the blog sprang from my brother Jordon’s comedy blog series
Always Funny In Salt Lake City and the local chapter of Creative Mornings, which hold monthly events with inspirational talks. My first guest was Paul Draper, who went to school with my brother-in-law, tours the world doing shows, moderating panels at Comic Con and recently performed at Bad Robot’s Christmas Party with J.J. Abram’s in attendance.
What prompted the idea to start a brand new podcast under the name?
Dylan: I was involved with a film podcast that ended up going away at the time, and it felt natural to evolve.
Steve and Andrea, how did you become involved?
Andrea: Dylan posted that he was looking for a co-host. My journalism bug started poking me and I asked if I could be a part of it. I love people. I am so curious about them and what they do and this was a perfect way to be able to be a part of it.
Steve: I think Dylan had a moment of weakness. Dylan was looking for some co-hosts for his podcast. I jumped and messaged him every day for weeks begging him to let me help out with his podcasts. Surprisingly, a chocolate shop is a great place to meet all sorts of incredible people. I absolutely love sitting down talking with customers about anything and everything. I had never hosted a podcast, and I’m quite uneducated to how to start up a podcast, or pretty much anything that requires being technical. I had so much respect for the
Let’s Go Eat Show by Bill Allred and I just loved how he and his son made the podcast just feel like a natural, fun conversation. I am not the best chocolate dipper at our shop, but I love a great conversation. I have always loved talking. My grade-school teachers can vouch that they could never shut me up. Needless to say, I’ve also learned I love to listen. I love listening to everyone’s stories. We have so many talented and incredible people, I love being able to just sit back and learn about them.
What made you decide to launch it under [then-]Earwhole Media? How is it working with them?
Dylan: I was part of a film podcast around the launch of the blog. When that show ended on the network, I still felt the itch to record. I approached Sascha to let me try out my own show. He is great to work with! Sound and content quality are his biggest concerns.
What were the first few episodes like for you?
Dylan: They were scary! And I didn’t make it any easier on myself but scheduling my first interview as a call-in. I think it went incredibly well, considering.
What kind of process was it like finding the rhythm and voice to the show with the eight questions?
Dylan: The questions at first were the heart of the blog, but are more of an outline for the podcast. The goal is for them to share their view of themselves, where and who they get inspiration from.
Andrea: I’m terrible about the eight questions. I pretty sure Dylan gives me dirty looks. I think Steve and I have a bad habit of going off-book. But Dylan is great at bringing us back. I will often forget about the eight questions and they'll very quickly turn into 20 or more.
Steve: I think I just try to listen and ask questions that intrigue me. I don’t want the same half-assed questions. I want our guests to be brutally honest. Sometimes success doesn’t come easy, we don’t always have to act like everything is perfect. I think we all like to hear everything, the good and the bad; all of that collectively combines to make us all the incredible people we are. Wait, we are only supposed to ask eight questions? I am not one to follow rules!
How do you go about choosing the guests you have?
Dylan: Most of the guests at this point have been friends and suggestions from my co-hosts. Others have been out-of-the-blue direct asking of someone incredible and available.
Right now you seem to be recording infrequently. What plans do you have as far as scheduling and booking guests down the road?
Dylan: October-December have been rough getting together. We all work full-time or close, had family vacations and some last-minute cancellations. Moving forward, we will be recording on a more consistent basis.
What impact do you hope to have with the how as far as the podcast and the entertainment communities as a whole?
Dylan: There is no big master plan for the podcast. It’s just a passion to share the amazing creative talents we happen to have next door and around the world! As with anything you do, there are wish lists of who you would like to talk to and experiences to have. Ultimately, I just want people to discover these incredible people like we have!
What can we expect from all of you and Your Cre8tivity over the rest of 2017?
Dylan: For 2017, we want to keep delivering the interviews. We will be also covering Sundance (via #indielounge), Comic Con, Wizarding Days, Fear Con and other major events! We will also continue to record remotely, potentially at Watchtower Cafe or Hatch Family Chocolates.