Movie Reviews: Avengers: Infinity War; Lean on Pete | Buzz Blog
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Movie Reviews: Avengers: Infinity War; Lean on Pete

Love After Love; Sweet Country; Marrowbone


While Marvel super-heroes dominate the multiplexes, art-house alternatives include a lovely boy-and-his-horse story, haunted-house suspense and a  period piece about anti-aboriginal racism in Australia.

The decade-in-the-making Avengers: Infinity War feels like the two-hour climax to a 40-hour movie, but can't offer a real sense of consequence. The psychological thriller Marrowbone sacrifices chills for plot twists that are too obviously telegraphed. Family melodrama flits between episodes in Love After Love without ever landing on clarity about the characters' behavior.

MaryAnn Johanson finds Sweet Country combining stark beauty with the inescapable facts of genocidal colonialism.

In this week's feature review, the haunting Lean on Pete finds a lonely teen turning to a horse for stability in his tumultuous life.