Best of Utah: Body & Mind 2025 | Readers choose their best health care providers, medical institutions, fitness guides and more. | Best of Utah | Salt Lake City
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Best of Utah: Body & Mind 2025

Readers choose their best health care providers, medical institutions, fitness guides and more.

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Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital - COURTESY PHOTO
  • Courtesy photo
  • Intermountain Primary Children’s Hospital

Primary Children's Hospital
By Alex Springer

When I became a parent, I knew that holding my kid's hand through a medical procedure or two would be part of the deal. I felt emotionally and psychologically ready for those moments, but it's funny how they can still blindside you when you least expect it. When the time came for my daughter to visit the emergency room at Primary Children's Hospital, I didn't know it would come with so much secondhand anxiety and uncertainty. Having a kid gives you a renewed perspective on all the wonder the world has to offer, but that comes at the expense of remembering how scary the ER is when you're six years old.

At the time, my own experiences with the institutions that are supposed to look out for us had been less than stellar. This put me in the same mindset I adopt when I go car shopping–I needed to be on my toes otherwise they'd pull a fast one on me. After we arrived and checked in, I remember going through the mental checklist I had made to make sure nobody rushed us through the visit. My kiddo was sick, and I wanted to make sure we had a solid game plan for how to make her feel better.

I suppose this apprehension was based on a few of my own negative experiences that had left me jaded and disillusioned with medical institutions. Thanks to the care my daughter received at Primary Children's Hospital, however, I know that the medical community still recruits its members from the absolute best of us. All that steam I had built up immediately dissipated when we actually received the treatment we came for. I couldn't find fault with any part of the process. The nurses were genuinely concerned with our situation, the doctor had all the right answers and the hospital's child life services helped turn potentially stressful situations into unexpectedly entertaining ones.

Of course, this first visit definitely wasn't the last visit–we've spent a few nights in the care of Primary Children's. Even in situations like this, the care team goes above and beyond to make the experience as positive as possible. During our few stays at the hospital, my daughter and I have made slime, built gingerbread houses and played air hockey.

Throughout these experiences, watching the Primary Children's team treat my daughter with such consideration and concern was nothing short of heartwarming. Not only was I grateful to the team's ability to quickly treat my daughter, but their patience and authenticity did wonders for my own neurotic dad brain.

I'm sure I'm not the only parent who has experienced doubts about my parenting decisions, especially when it comes to health and wellbeing. But watching those professionals at Primary Children's work their magic did a lot to put my mind at ease. Yes, my priority was making sure my daughter was taken care of. But I really appreciated the subtle ways that the team took care of me as well.

Disorder Supporters: Being There When Things Start to Suck

Managing mental, physical and emotional maladies is often more of a marathon than a sprint. Medications change, symptoms change, and every day brings its own challenges. For those of us who are privileged enough to be a part of someone's wellness journey, we have a rare opportunity to facilitate some healing of our own.

For those managing some kind of medical disorder, the world can often feel like a lonely place. Sometimes it's a place devoid of understanding, sometimes it's a place of unearned shame, and other times it's a place of pure frustration. This is why a solid support system of people is so necessary. People who find themselves part of a loved one's medical progress can have a profound effect on that person–but it's not always easy.

If this situation resonates with you, it means you love someone who is struggling. While that struggle is deeply personal to the person you love, you have the power to be an excellent wellness resource by displaying patience, kindness and understanding. A chronic disorder can make consistency feel like a luxury. But having a consistent friend amid a series of hardships can help ease that burden a bit.

Those who have found themselves as the primary cheerleader for a loved one who is managing a medical disorder also need to remember to take care of themselves, however. If that applies to anyone reading this, you won't find a much better resource than this issue to find a support system of your own. (AS)


Best Addiction Recovery
Odyssey House of Utah
2. Huntsman Mental Health Institute (University Neuropsychiatric Institute)
3. Davis Behavioral Health

Best Allergist
Dr. Mili Shum - University of Utah Hospital
2. Dr. Douglas Jones - Metrodora Institute
3. Dr. Rafael Firszt - Tanner Clinic

Best Assisted Living/Memory Care
The Ridge, Cottonwood
2. Crescent Senior Living
3. Welcome Home Assisted Living of American Fork

Best Cardiologist
Dr. Jared Miller - Intermountain Medical Center
2. Dr. C. Michael Minder - LDS Hospital
3. Dr. Toby Paulson - Revere Health Cardiology, Lehi

Best Colonoscopy
Dr. John C. Fang
2. Dr. P.J. Pederson
3. Gut Whisperer

Best Dental Implant Clinic
The Dental Spa
2. Warr Dental
3. Aspire Surgical, Murray

Best Dental Practice
Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry
2. The Dental Spa
3. Larson Family Dental

Best Dentist/Best General Dentist
Dr. Ari Hobfoll—Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry
2. Kirkland Graham - The Dental Spa
3. Keith Warr - Warr Dental

Best Dermatologist
Wendy Matis— Matis Dermatology
2. Allyson Sorenson - University of Utah Health Dermatology
3. Elena Hadjicharalambous - Swinyer Woseth Dermatology

Best Dermatology Practice
Swinyer Woseth Dermatology
2. University of Utah Midvalley Health Center
3. Matis Dermatology

Best Doctor of Internal Medicine
Dr. Kira Watson - U Of U Health Sugar House Health Center
2. Dr. Belinda Trieu - Memorial Clinic
3. Dr. Anne Cioletti - U Of U Health Madsen Health Center

Best Dry Needling
Converge Physical Therapy
2. Pinyon Physical Therapy
3. University Of Utah Pain Clinic

Best Ear, Nose & Throat Physician
Dr. Jason Hunt—University Of Utah Huntsman Cancer Hospital
2. Dr. Eric Slattery - ENT Center Of Utah
3. Dr. Bryan Tagge - ENT Center Of Utah

Best Experiential Therapist
Aimee Hadfield, LCSW— Hearten House
2. Caroline Pegram - Topaz Healing
3. Liz McCooey - Lizard Wellness

Best Family Medicine Physician
Dr. Jacqueline Rohrer— Foothill Family Clinic
2. Dr. Amy De La Garza - Heron Wellness
3. Dr. Ray Ward - Cope Family Medicine

Best Family Practice Clinic
Martindale Clinic
2. U Of U Health Madsen Health Center
3. Foothill Family Clinic - South

Best Gastroenterologist
Granite Peaks Gastroenterology
2. Dr. Brad Trowbridge - St. Mark's Hospital
3. Dr. John C. Fang - University Of Utah Hospital

Best Geriatric Physician
Dr. Natalie Sanders— U Of U Health Madsen Health Center
2. Dr. Barbara Christiansen - Intermountain Southridge Senior Care
3. Dr. Gabriel Scannell - U Of U Health Madsen Health Center

Best Hospice Care
2. Quality Home Health And Hospice
3. Rocky Mountain Home Care & Hospice, Salt Lake City

Best Hospital
University Of Utah Hospital
2. Primary Children's Hospital
3. St. Mark's Hospital

Best Independent Pharmacy
Jolley's Pharmacy
2. University Pharmacy
3. Apothecary Shoppe

Best Invisalign Provider
Graham Orthodontics
2. The Dental Spa
3. Harris Orthodontics

Best Ketamine Clinic
Rising Health Specialty Clinic
2. The Lotus Center For Healing And Wellness
3. Soma Psychotherapy

Best LASIK Center
Hoopes Vision
2. John A. Moran Eye Center
3. LasikPlus

Best Local Optical Shop
Image Eyes Optical
2. Wolcott Optical
3. Vis.

Best Men's Health Clinic
U Of U Health Sugar House Health Center
2. Rise Rejuvenation Center
3. Biorestoration Medical + Aesthetics

Best Mental Health Treatment Center
Cottonwood Professional Coaching
2. Huntsman Mental Health Institute (University Neuropsychiatric Institute)
3. WORTH IT Counseling + Coaching

Best Midwife
Gloria Moore— Bearth Midwifery
2. Adrienne Brown - Wasatch Miwifery And Wellness
3. Ashleigh Taylor - Birth Journey Midwifery

Best Midwifery/Birthing Center
Wasatch Midwifery And Wellness
2. Intermountain Medical Center - Nurse Midwives
3. Birth Journey Midwifery

Best Migraine Help
University Of Utah Neuroscience Center
2. Dr. Dan Henry
3. Dr. Karly Pippitt

Best Neurologist
Dr. Kelsey Barrell—U Of U Health Clinical Neurosciences Center
2. Dr. Lia Chebeleu - Intermountain Health
3. Dr. Walter Reichert - University Of Utah Neuroscience Center

Best Nurse Practitioner
Stacie Ireland—U Of U Sugar House Health Center
2. Anne Bowden, FNP - Rising Health Specialty Clinic
3. Rachelle Russell - Arlani Integrative Medicine And Medspa

Best Obstetrician-Gynecologist
Brooke Hansen—Avenues Women's Center
2. Bob Silver - University Of Utah Hospital
3. Jennifer Trauscht-Van Horn - University Of Utah Hospital

Best Oncologist
Dr. Ramya Thota— Intermountain Medical Center
2. Dr. Sarah Colonna - Kathryn F. Kirk Center For Comprehensive Cancer Care And Women's Cancers
3. Daniel Ermann - Huntsman Cancer Institute

Best Optometrist
Dr. Ross Chatwin—Sugar House Vision Clinic
2. Dr. Nazanin Galehdari - Eyemax Eyecare
3. Dr. Connor Dewey - Sugar House Vision Clinic

Best Oral Surgeon
Dr. Adam McCormick—Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Of Utah
2. Alvin J. Stosich - Aspire Surgical
3. Dr. Matthew Parkin - Endodontic Associates

Best Orthodontist
John Graham—Graham Orthodontics
2. Alan Jensen - Smile Ranch Orthodontics
3. Dr. Brian Anderson - Foothill Orthodontic Specialists

Best Orthopedic Rehab
Converge Physical Therapy
2. U Of U Health Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital
3. Pure Fitness

Best Orthopedic Surgeon
Michael Johnson—Orthopedic Specialty Group, Alta View
2. Spencer Amundsen - Peak Orthopedics
3. Michael Raemisch - Intermountain Medical Center

Best Pain Clinic
Doctor Tony Chiro Clinic
2. Pinyon Physical Therapy
3. University Of Utah Pain Clinic

Best Pediatric Dentist
Dr. Ari Hobfoll—Kaleidoscope Kids Dentistry
2. Tyler Hanks - Happy Tooth Pediatric Dentistry
3. Dr. Debbie Graham - East Bench Pediatric Dentistry

Best Pediatrician
Dr. Bhanu Muniyappa—University Pediatric Clinic
2. Dr. Cynthia Owens - Wasatch Pediatrics, Salt Lake
3. Dr. Cannon Marriott - Rose Creek Pediatrics

Best Physical Therapist
Sarah McNurlin—Pinyon Physical Therapy
2. Susan McLaughlin - Align Integration And Movement
3. Amy Fruge - Converge Physical Therapy

Best Physical Therapy Clinic
Pinyon Physical Therapy
2. Converge Physical Therapy
3. Uplift Pelvic Health And Wellness

Best Physician Assistant
Rebecca Kohler—University Of Utah Hospital
2. Nazaneen Pack - Arlani Medspa
3. AnnaRose Zampano - Foothill Family Clinic - South

Best Plastic Surgeon - Cosmetic/Recons
Dr. Tom Oberg—Still Canyon Eyelid & Facial Plastic Surgery
2. Dr. Steven Mobley - Mobley MD
3. Dr. Courtney Crombie - U Of U Health South Jordan Health Center

Best Prenatal Care
University of Utah Hospital
2. Converge Physical Therapy
3. Birth Journey Midwifery

Best Psychiatrist
Dr. Jeremy Thueson—Huntsman Mental Health Institute (University Neuropsychiatric Institute)
2. Dr. Scott Frazier - Open Book Counseling
3. Mandi Christensen - Healing Pathways Medical Center

Best Psychotherapist/Counselor
Ted Winkworth—Cottonwood Professional Coaching
2. Aimee Hadfield - Hearten House
3. Caroline Pegram - Topaz Healing

Best Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Whitney Stevens—U Of U Health Bariatric Surgery Program
2. Colleen Shields - Converge Physical Therapy
3. Lauren Parrish

Best Registered Nurse
Erin Rasmussen—Davis Behavioral Health
2. Brittany Larson - U Of U Sugar House Health Center Pharmacy
3. Katie Cassity - Liv Aesthetics & Wellness

Best Rheumatologist
Dr Matthew Call—Utah Valley Rheumatology
2. Dr. Richard Gremillion - Granger Medical, Murray Holladay Center
3. Dr. Seung Yoon Celine Lee - Lotus Rheumatology And Wellness Clinic

Best Spine Center
Doctor Tony Chiro Clinic
2. Converge Physical Therapy
3. Aspen Falls Spinal Care Center & Chiropractic

Best Sports Medicine Clinic
Pinyon Physical Therapy
2. Doctor Tony Chiro Clinic
3. University Of Utah Healthcare Orthopedic Center

Best Transgender Healthcare
University of Utah Hospital
2. Rebirth OB/GYN
3. Heart Tones Birth Services

Best Urgent Care
U Of U Health Farmington Health Center
2. Foothill Family Clinic - South
3. Fourth Street Clinic

Best Urologist
Dr. Sarah Christianson— Intermountain Medical Center
2. Dr. Stephen Summers - University Of Utah Hospital
3. Dr. Pete Caputo - Granger Medical

Best Wisdom Teeth Removal
Dr. Jason G. Chandler
2. Hopkin Oral Surgery
3. Dr. Judson B. Wall

Best Women's Health Clinic
University of Utah Hospital
2. Converge Physical Therapy
3. Rise Rejuvenation Center


By Alex Springer

Regardless of the practice that our healthcare and wellness professionals have chosen, the common thread that unites them is the enthusiasm that they all have for their craft. Each person featured in the section spotlights expressed nothing but gratitude for being able to go to work every day and help people feel better–and that kind of got me thinking.

It seems like the emotional basis of each one of our local healers and doctors is positivity. They do the work they've chosen to do because they love it, so maybe all of us regular folk can take a cue. If we assume the basis of healing is positivity, then maybe our own positivity has some kind of healing magic. I'm not saying we go out and start practicing our own brand of medicine, but instead, maybe we could all be a little better at being positive and passing some of that positivity on to others.

Just a thought.

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