Roller Derby: SCDG Sisters Discipline Bombers 121-113 | Buzz Blog
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Roller Derby: SCDG Sisters Discipline Bombers 121-113


Saturday, June 30: The Salt City Derby Girls’ second banked-track bout of the season (and ever) featured two teams who haven’t squared off since 2010: The Bomber Babes and the Sisters of No Mercy. ---

Back then, the struggling Bomber Babes were smacked down 114-50 by the Sisters of No Mercy, but this year’s Bombers are a more formidable and confident team—on Saturday at the Salt Palace, maybe a little too confident. After an upset over the Death Dealers in SCDG’s 2012 season-opener in May, the Bombers looked like they weren’t taking the Sisters all that seriously. Bombers jammer Lady Rage quickly ran up several unanswered points, but then the Sisters’ Alevya Sufferin and Sister Satan called upon the Power of Evil (and speed, but mostly Evil) and began a blazing campaign of tag-team scoring that wouldn’t let up for the rest of the night.

Just as the banked track makes for a faster game that allows for no standing around, it also makes for a narrower, more brutal defensive field: Both teams were blocking and hitting with rugby-like gusto, but the Sisters (again, probably summoning Evil) had the edge there, as well. With Brew HaHa! and God Save the Queen bringing the strategic pain at every turn and the rest of the Black Pack giving nary a wheels’ inch to Bomber jammers Lady Rage, NOS and Crucio, the first two quarters of the bout were anything but the blowout the BBs may have been expecting. Score at halftime: Sisters of No Mercy 67, Bomber Babes 50.

Sisters of No Mercy jammer Hera Ticked also contributed a handful of overall points, but Saturday’s bout was owned by Sister Satan and, particularly, Alevya Sufferin, who skated like the flames of hell were on her ass (which they may have been, what with all the Evil about). One thing that hasn’t changed since ’10 for the Sisters was their love for the Naughty Box—that’s the penalty box, FYI. At one point in the third quarter, all but two Sisters had fouled off the track, and lone blockers CreamateHer and Hera Ticked still managed to keep the Bombers’ Lady Rage from scoring in a shoulda-been-cake power jam.

Early in the final quarter of the bout, CreamateHer was taken down and out with an injury, and NOS and Lady Rage (and for one fairly impressive jam, Knuckle Slamwich) fought tooth-and-toestop for every point they could eke out; NOS even abandoned her usual strategery of finessing her way around blockers and just began plowing through them like a runaway truck. By the time the Bombers had finally gotten back within striking distance of the Sisters on the scoreboard, Ursula Savicious was—quite proudly—ejected from the bout for stacking penalties, and SONM called upon Satan (as in, Sister, but don’t count out the big guy) one last time to clinch the hard-fought win. Final score: Sisters of No Mercy 121, Bomber Babes 113.

Next Salt City Derby Girls banked-track bout: Saturday, Aug. 11 at the Salt Palace in SLC (SCDG’s previously-scheduled July 7 bout has been postponed). Info at and Facebook; tickets at Local derby schedules here: Utah Roller Derby 2012.

Shots from Saturday’s bout by Sh00ter (Sisters of No Mercy in black, Bomber Babes in green):











