Patrick Harmon police-cam protest, Sept. 30, 2017 | Salt Lake City | Salt Lake City Weekly
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Patrick Harmon police-cam protest, Sept. 30, 2017 

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Protesters gather outside the Public Safety Building to demand the release of body-cam footage from the fatal August shooting of 50-year-old Patrick Harmon.
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Enrique Limón
Enrique Limón
Enrique Limón
Enrique Limón
Enrique Limón
Enrique Limón
Enrique Limón
Enrique Limón
Nine members of the Harmon family drove overnight from St. Louis, Mo., to attend the protest.
Enrique Limón
Enrique Limón
Enrique Limón
Patrick Harmon's sister, Antionette, talks to members of the local media.
Enrique Limón
Enrique Limón
Enrique Limón
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Enrique Limón