Headed back out onto Gallery Stroll this month, watching everywhere and everyone getting soaked and nearly flooded out on the sidewalks. Which I have to say, can anyone remember the last time we didn't have horrible weather waiting for us as we check out all the stops? Next month, I'm predicting hail. But as the off-and-on showers persisted throughout the evening we got probably one of the most eclectic set of shows so far in 2010. Not a dull gallery in the bunch.
--- For this month I popped into the brand new Ephemera Arts, sitting at 336 West Broadway, next door to Bingham Cyclery. Brainchild of artist Matthew Potter, the location is designed to bring a sense of art to the business/living area, which is desperately needed after the closing of Palmer's Gallery down the block last year. While the show itself served as a reminder that the old Pierpont district still has life in it, featuring musical performances from Alison Martin, Cavedoll and Shane Alexander. Not to mention artwork from Potter himself, as well as sculptor Angie Schneider and lightworks specialist Alice Bain (done while she works on new projects in Chicago). I got a chance to chat with all three about their works as careers plus thoughts on local art. Plus plenty of pictures from the show.
Matthew Potter
Gavin: Hey Matthew. First off,
tell us a bit about
Matthew: A bit about myself? Hah!
Umm. You're the
journalist, ask questions.%uFFFD
Gavin: Fair enough. What first got you
interested in painting,
and what were some of your early inspirations?
Matthew: My sister is also an
artist. I began making
Kleenex and tape sculptures in the third grade. She let me play with oil
at an early age and I hated crayons ever since. I also lived in the D.C.
so playing hooky meant going to the National Gallery of Art.
Gavin: Did you seek out any
college for art studies,
and if so, what was that program like for you?
Matthew: Once I landed in Utah, I
ended up at
Westminster College. It was a great experience more like a painting
apprenticeship since I was working with a Western Realist master, Don
Quite a shift from being an abstract painter early on, which is inverted
the usual progression. Since then, I've studied at the Helper worships
figurative work with Paul Davis. I recently did a glass-blowing workshop
Seattle and made my first pottery. Ironic, since that's my namesake. I
that other media inform on painting and vice versa. I'm always energized
refreshed from learning new things.%uFFFD
Gavin: How did you first take an
interest in
painting abstract art?
Matthew: I always had an
attraction to abstract art,
although I appreciate many styles, I feel that in a sense, abstraction
is the
purest form of painting. I see abstraction in part as the creation of
Gavin: What’s the process like
for you in creating a
piece from idea to final product?
Matthew: I work without concept
nor final destination;
instead, I work through a process of creation, destruction, and
addition. I
have an understanding of personal methodology and once I am in process,
previous workings inform and reveal the next until there as an
acceptably low
level of discomfort or what might be called "finished".
Gavin: Considering the genre of
art, was there any
hesitation on your part that people might not appreciate it for what it
Matthew: Abstraction
is often misunderstood or misperceived. The viewer is an integral part
of the
process since interpretation and perceived meaning is all that remains.
are not handed a picture of "something" and this can be hard.
However, all painting to me is abstraction. So yes, I hesitate all the
There's an "ohhh" and "ahhh" factor that all artists crave.%uFFFD
Gavin: For you personally, is
there any set plan as
to what it will look like, or is it more experimental as you go?
Matthew: I have no set
plan. It all flows from head to hands.%uFFFD
Gavin: You also do portrait and
figurative works as
well. What made you choose to branch out ad experiment and branch out in
forms rather that focus mainly on abstract?
Matthew: I love the
difference in process and the intensity of focus. There's no looking
than when you're working from a live model. Besides, I'm highly
as a person and artwork is no different.%uFFFD
Gavin: What was it like for you
when you start
started displaying your works in exhibitions?
Matthew: Exhibiting work
is interesting to say the least. You're placing yourself out there for
reactions. I wish people were more honest. Any reaction is more
than a polite non-response. %uFFFDAlso this show was a level higher in that I
had curatorial responsibilities as well.%uFFFD
Gavin: Tell us about the works
you have on display
for this Stroll.
Matthew: I always have
a flagship piece for a show. This time around, it's the promotional
entitled "Funneled". With abstracts, often titles are important clues
to unraveling the content code. That one was for something my mother
told me, as
I had been processing the death of my father.
Gavin: What's your take on being
displayed at
Ephemera along with Alice and Angie?
Matthew: I am honored to be
displayed with such
diverse talent, yet have a good cohesion for the debut show.%uFFFD
Gavin: Moving to local for a bit,
what are your
thoughts on our art scene, both good and bad?
Matthew: It's a great
budding art scene with wonderful talent that runs the gamut
stylistically. I'm
dismayed that people show up at gallery events and yet most galleries
financially. While art isn't necessary for survival, it does enrich
lives; both
individually and at the societal level. It seems that we have some
people working in the art community.
Gavin: Is there anything you
believe could be done
to make it more prominent?
Matthew: Bigger budget. Less
ADHD. And of course I was
painting until way later than I should have been.
Gavin: What's your take on
Gallery Stroll as a whole
and how its doing today?
Matthew: I really love
our Gallery Stroll. We have such diverse and talented artists for such a
city. It's a bit more of social gathering than the best viewing
opportunity. My
personal favorite viewing times are quiet off days.
Gavin: What can we expect from
you throughout the
rest of year?
Matthew: I'm hoping to
continue building the Ephemera Arts concept and painting tons. There may
be a
few surprises.
Gavin: Is there anything you'd
like to plug or
Matthew: How about
thanks? I had lots and lots of helpers from diverse arenas. Thank you
for all
of your contributions of time, effort, and funds. My space was donated
Allen•Millo Associates who have been incredibly generous. Please
investigate our website
be looking for a personal website coming too. Private viewings of the
may be arranged as well.%uFFFD
Angie Schneider
Gavin: Hey Angie. First
thing, tell us a little bit about yourself.
Angie: I've been%uFFFDmaking
pottery for about
twelve years now.%uFFFD%uFFFDI have a full time job at Warner Truck Center, and
usually play in the mud on%uFFFDweekends.%uFFFD My pottery friends call me the
"one with the job".%uFFFD I like to say my day job supports my clay
habit.%uFFFD I am a graduate of Westminster College, and hold a degree in
Psychology, with Art and Marketing minors.%uFFFD I'm excited to
have%uFFFDbeen%uFFFDaccepted as a new member of Westminster's Alumni
Board.%uFFFD I have many varied interests and hobbies, including orchid
growing, gardening, decorating, golf, travel, and cooking.
Gavin: What first got you
interested in art, and what were some of your early inspirations?
Angie: I have been
interested in art%uFFFDever since
I can remember, starting with finger paint and sidewalk chalk.%uFFFD I have
always drawn inspiration from the world around me.%uFFFD I believe that
tend to see the world a little differently, and this vision compels us.%uFFFD
Once I have an artistic idea in my head, I can't get it out until I've
Gavin: Did you seek out
any college for art studies, and if so, what was that program like for
Angie: I do not have
formal art schooling, other
than my Art Minor at Westminster.%uFFFD That being said, I pursue continuing
art education constantly.%uFFFD I take workshops, attend seminars, talk to
fellow artists.%uFFFD There is always more to learn, and if we stop learning
stagnate.%uFFFD Potters tend to be more social animals than other artists as
- we like to share techniques, we critique each others' work.%uFFFD It's a
learning community.
Gavin: What influenced you
to start doing ceramics and sculpture creations?
Angie: I started taking
art classes at Westminster
once my major requirements were met.%uFFFD I actually added an art minor to my
degree during the%uFFFDlast year and a half of my Bachelor's.%uFFFD I
had%uFFFDnever taken a pottery class before, and was instantly addicted.%uFFFD
Clay is frustrating, stubborn, miraculous,%uFFFDforgiving,%uFFFDa very
complicated medium.%uFFFD%uFFFDI loved it.%uFFFD My work has evolved over time,
and I fully expect it to continue to change.%uFFFD I love the
malleability,%uFFFDpun intended.
Gavin: Is there a
particular type of material you like to work with or more whatever you
like experimenting with?
Angie: I have a few
favorite clays, which I tend
to%uFFFDuse for%uFFFDcertain projects.%uFFFD%uFFFDDifferent clays are suited to
different things, some work better for large forms, for example.%uFFFD I like
clays that are%uFFFDpretty on their own, so that glaze%uFFFDjust
enhances.%uFFFD I tend to throw with a white stoneware, and my handbuilding
projects are typically done with either an ultra white porcelain or%uFFFDa
high-iron, almost black clay.
Gavin: What's the creative
process like for you when creating something out of scratch? And is
there ever
a solid plan as to what you'll make or is it more spontaneous
Angie: My creative
process usually starts%uFFFDwith
a vision of an end result.%uFFFD Usually this is a%uFFFDshape, and rarely a
color.%uFFFD With pottery, you are always submitting your work to the
fire.%uFFFD There is an%uFFFDelement of serendipity.%uFFFD So I start
with%uFFFDthe shape, add a glaze, and surrender.%uFFFD Experience
helps%uFFFDthe piece that comes out of the kiln, to look like the vision I
started with.%uFFFD Sometimes that takes a lot of experimentation.%uFFFD Other
times I am pleased to let the clay tell me what to do, or let the fire
make its
contribution.%uFFFD There are just so many elements, a clay artist has to be
open to the spontaneity.
Gavin: What's the general
reaction you've received from people when they see your works?
Angie: My work is
generally well-received.%uFFFD My
non-functional work is different from most pottery, so it's fun to watch
who see it for the first time.%uFFFD They almost always have a reaction, be
good or bad.
Gavin: Tell us about the
works you have on display for this Stroll.
Angie: The pieces on
display at Ephemera Arts
represent a cross-section of my work.%uFFFD I have free-standing displays of
non-functional work, and my dinner plates and serving platters are in a
area.%uFFFD A friend and I are catering the event, so my large serving
will be making an appearance as well.%uFFFD It's fun to be able to
the use of an art object in that way!
Gavin: What's your take on
being displayed at Ephemera along with Matthew and Alice?
Angie: It's amazing that
we have this synergy.%uFFFD
You would think that bringing together 3 artists who work with very
mediums would be a balancing act.%uFFFD It's not like that.%uFFFD Our art fits
together - it's a very cohesive display.%uFFFD Matthew made a statement
recently that it's almost as if the art could have been created by the
person.%uFFFD That's saying something, considering we are all so different,
have conflicting approaches to art.%uFFFD I'm happy to be in a show with both
of them.%uFFFD I have enormous respect for them, and for the work.
Gavin: Moving to local for
a bit, what are your thoughts on our art scene, both good and bad? And
is there
anything you believe could be done to make it more prominent?
Angie: Our local art
scene has bright spots and dim
spots.%uFFFD Utah is very supportive of the performing arts, and I think our
bringing in two singer/songwriters for the opening will be%uFFFDhuge for our
attendance.%uFFFD Local support of visual arts is less enthusiastic.%uFFFD
However, I think that if you find the right niche, you can be successful
as a
local artist.%uFFFD It's all about reaching the right audience.%uFFFD I am
lucky in that much of what I make is useful objects.%uFFFD People for some
reason have an easier time purchasing art they can use to serve food at a
party, for example, as opposed to something purely decorative.%uFFFD Our
pottery community is strong.%uFFFD I'm a member of Clay Arts Utah, and that
has been greatly beneficial for me.%uFFFD It's a stellar local
organization.%uFFFD I think that it's hard sometimes for artists to
since we are inherently each other's competition.%uFFFD However, there is
strength in numbers, and together we can bring more people into the
local art
scene.%uFFFD It takes time and work, and will be an ongoing effort for all of
Gavin: What's your take on
Gallery Stroll as a whole and how its doing today?
Angie: I have been a fan
of Gallery Stroll for
years.%uFFFD I tend to slip in and out of the scene, as I'm sure many do,
on my schedule.%uFFFD Gallery Stroll is a great way to see a lot of art and
meet like-minded people, whether that is artists, collectors, or just
fans of
art.%uFFFD I consider myself all of the above, so Stroll is a necessity for
me.%uFFFD It feeds the creative spirit, and is inspirational for me in many
ways.%uFFFD Gallery Stroll is going strong, and tends to get more popular in
the warm weather months.%uFFFD This is a good time to be entering the gallery
Gavin: What can we expect
from you throughout the rest of year?
Angie: My work will be
displayed at Ephemera Arts
for at least the next month.%uFFFD I continue to make new work, and will
other avenues of display as well.%uFFFD I hope to be in the Clay Arts, Utah
group show this fall, and will most likely participate in their annual
Sale.%uFFFD That sale is always Black Friday (after Thanksgiving) and the
following Saturday, and is a great opportunity to find unique Holiday
gifts.%uFFFD It's held in the Sugarhouse Park Garden Center.
Alice Bain (Photo by Sallie Shatz)