Lounge Act Weekend: Tons o' tunes | Buzz Blog
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Lounge Act Weekend: Tons o' tunes




A weekend full of festivals, tunes and, God willing, sunshine awaits. So what are you doing sitting in front of your computer? Get out there!---


The highlight of Friday is the Black Angels gig at The Urban Lounge. The Austin-based crew (pictured) is one of the great American live bands working right now, and they're always worth checking out. The show is sold-out, but scalpers might be lurking around showtime.

Also Friday, Provo kicks off its Rooftop Concert Series with Fictionist and Paul Jacobsen and the Madison Arm playing atop a parking garage downtown. I'll be checking that scene out myself. The show starts at 8, but Emily Brown will be playing a little earlier as folks arrive.

Friday at Kilby Court, another fine show courtesy of Joan of Arc, whose most recent record is arguable the Chicago band's most straightforward.


Saturday features the big fat enviro festival at Library Square known as Live Green SLC! There will be plenty of informational booths, live music and assorted activities to enjoy while you get a full blast of toasty weather. 

Nouveau country chanteuse Jessica Lea Mayfield headlines a gig at Kilby Court. You can read our interview with Mayfield here, then go enjoy some wonderfully sad music.

Saturday also marks the fifth Tracy Aviary Urban Bird Festival, and with the Liberty Park lake finally getting a clean bill of health to reopen, it's a perfect time to visit the park. The festival continues Sunday.


The Urban Lounge hosts Hunx and His Punx on Sunday, and the modern gay cabaret should be worth some laughs in addition to providing some retro girl-group dance sounds. Read our interview with Hunx right here

Sunday at Kilby Court, singer/songwriter Joe Pug is on hand with some of his skilled songcraft.

And Sunday is Mother's Day, so don't forget to do something nice for your mama.