Local Releases: Wait, Are You Really Broken Up? | Buzz Blog
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Local Releases: Wait, Are You Really Broken Up?



I've got a few local releases to discuss today, a mix of online material and bands with shows this weekend. --- Just to get them out of the way, I discussed Eagle Twin earlier this month when their album officially came out on Southern Lord, but their Utah release show is happening this Saturday at Urban Lounge, with Oxcross and Day Hymns. Also, there's one happening the same night at The Underground in Murray for a band called Desmond Mars ... but I can't find jack shit on him/them, so go check that show out at your own risk. Getting to online material, I need to revisit a band I thought was gone: The Howitzers. The Utah County band are still broken up, or at least they're saying they're still broken up. But, apparently, they're cranking out whatever is left in their catalog that never got released and they've put it into a full-length album called You'll Wish You Were A Teenaged Girl Again. If you liked the EP I mentioned last month, you'll most likely enjoy this slightly more polished album with eight new tracks for you to listen to. You can download it for a “name your price” tag off the group's Bandcamp page. If another album comes out without a reunion announcement, I'll call shenanigans!


Next on the silent-release list is the debut EP from the group Danger Button, an electro-pop/rock project from Centerville featuring Ryan Garey, Parker Abegg, Andrew Hills and Eric Snyder. The group have had a few gigs here and there, but haven't really made an impact on the scene yet. They're looking to change that with this EP, Remote Disaster, which was recorded and produced by Andy Patterson. Sadly, you can't download it; just listen to it for now on their Bandcamp page.


Moving to something a little sweeter is a debut EP from the duo in Toffee. This project is comprised of Paul Mueller and Stephen Evans, a couple of guys with some drums and a ukulele. That's all there really is to say about them; I couldn't even find a previous show or a Facebook page. If you're into mostly instrumental music featuring pianos and ukulele strums, this might be your album. You can purchase Toffee Sugar off their Bandcamp page for just $10.


As for actual releases, tonight we have two shows in SLC, the first being the latest from Means Nothing. The group, hailing from Hill AFB, have been around for nearly five years now, mainly building an audience at rock bars like Burt's, 5 Monkeys and In The Venue. The band released their debut self-titled album back in 2009 to moderate reviews, but didn't really capitalize on it after and switched out to playing gigs once a month. But the band have emerged from near silence with their brand-new, second full-length titled Just Listen, which packs a hell of a radio-rock punch. You can pick up a copy at their album release show tonight at Liquid Joe's, as the band plays with Joe Rock Show, The Outcome, Riksha, Split Lid. Just $5, starting at 7 p.m.


As a side note to this, a last-minute entry to the local releases, it was announced earlier this week that The Outcome will also have an album release at this show. This band, more formally hailing from Layton, have been doing some good things, but haven't seemed to gain much exposure yet, even with nearly two years under their belts. There aren't a lot of details about the album release, but all signs are looking at this being their debut full-length as a self-titled; looks like one worth checking out.


Meanwhile, over at the Woodshed, we'll see the latest release from GeorgeLife. Or should I say, GLife, which he's started to go by in all of his promo material. GL is no stranger to the scene, having a number of albums and projects under his belt -- he even recently started his own clothing line called They're Here. George had a release last year with his second full-length album, Against The Grain, which got a lot of airplay on hip-hop shows in SLC but didn't really reach beyond into community radio or local shows. This time, he's looking to correct that with the phenomenal third album, All I Know. You can pick up a copy tonight at the show, as he plays with Jef Doogie Mowefa B-Soc Eastmond Nickolas DrNick Maez and X-Kid! Just $10, starting at 9 p.m.


And then tomorrow, we'll see the long-awaited sophomore album from Brogan Kelby -- one of the few polarizing acts in the scene, with people who either love what he does or hate him altogether, but you can't deny that the kid (seen above) has had a stellar career coming out of high school with his debut album, Sky Lights. It got major airplay on X96 and earned him spots on major concerts, along with music videos that helped propel his career up with teens and young adults. But now comes the real test with his follow-up, Mirrors & Masks, which was quietly released at the end of last month on Amazon for just $6. Tonight, Brogan celebrates the album's release at Weber State University, playing a show at Studio 76 in the basement of the Stewart Library, completely free.


Head out, love music, buy local!