Folk Hogan's Awesome Local Band Xmas Roundup | Buzz Blog
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Folk Hogan's Awesome Local Band Xmas Roundup


The gift of music is a mighty thing. And buying music from a Utah-based band is like going local, to the max -- there are so many local businesses involved in the production of just one CD. Whiskey-folk-punk band Folk Hogan knows this, so they made it easy to shop for Utah music this holiday season with a roundup of bands on their website.---

In City Weekly’s holiday gift guide for music lovers (read "Rock & Roll Santa" here), I focused on gadgets for gear heads and collector’s items for audiophiles. And in my search far and wide, I neglected to list local music. Dear music lover, hopefully, that was implied. Go to one of the many record shops in town or go directly to the band.

For the latter method, Folk Hogan has compiled a list, Xmas from Awesome Local Bands, which includes some of their friend’s and contemporaries' music; it can be found on their website, This includes Lady Murasaki, Juana Ghani, Parlor Hawk and Hectic Hobo, to name a few.

And to further encourage shopping for local music and merchandise, Folk Hogan says that if you buy something from any local band this season (not just on their registry), and forward your receipt to, they will gift you free downloads.