Grill Local Politicos on Poverty Issues Wednesday | Buzz Blog
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Grill Local Politicos on Poverty Issues Wednesday



Numerous Salt Lake City Council candidates, Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams and other politicos will be attending the Utah Poverty Partnership’s Barbecue Wednesday.---

The low-income advocates of the Crossroads Urban Center have confirmed multiple local politicos, including several legislators and most all candidates for the upcoming Salt Lake City Council race, and others will be in attendance at the annual barbecue Wednesday.

The event is free and open to the public and offers voters a chance to get some free grub and ask their elected officials, and would-be elected officials, about local poverty issues, from affordable housing and public transportation to the fight to expand Medicaid in the state.

Check it out at Liberty Park, 600 E. 900 South, Wednesday, July 10, 6 -8 p.m.
