Glad You Asked: Murder By Death, Terry Malts and Break Science | Buzz Blog
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Glad You Asked: Murder By Death, Terry Malts and Break Science



Dear GYA, According to an article from the New York Times, it seems that estrogen is an important component to maintaining a manly middle-age figure. Sure, you could call it junk science, but why risk it? That's why my daily morning routine consists of 15 minutes of Elizabethtown, three Luna Bars and a 10-minute detour through a Michael's Arts & Crafts. Anything happening today that's jam-packed with manly estrogen? - Beau Manthigh, Provo--- 

Beau, This is good advice that every man should follow. I think I'm gonna start absorbing the recommended amount of estrogen via pink v-necks. Here's what's up for today:

Five-piece indie-band Murder By Death will be at Bar Deluxe tonight. Larry & His Flask and Charles Ellsworth will open things up. The show starts at 8. Tickets are $19. 

San Fransico-based punk rockers Terry Malts will be performing at Kilby Court. Kithkin and Sonsapapa are also on the bill. The show starts at 8 p.m. Tickets are $8. 

Electronic DJ duo Break Science will be onstage at Urban Lounge this evening. Muscle Hawk, Scenic Byway, Nightfreq and DJ Planit will warm it up. The show starts at 9. Tickets are $15.  

For today's complete list of things to do, click here.   

Twitter: @WolfColin