Leaked documents show software created by the controversial Gamma Group International was used to spy on U.S. Computers.
Top of the Alty World
“Leaked Docs Show Spyware Used to Snoop on U.S. Computers”—
A memo shows a Koch group insider worrying about the demise of the Tea Party.—
Mother Jones
Protestors in Ferguson face armed police with hands raised as a gesture of defiance following the shooting death of an unarmed teen.—
Western states have some of the highest representations of women in their Legislatures—with a couple of exceptions, including Utah.—
High Country News
Top of Alty Utah
Democrat Doug Owens will need to to follow the Matheson playbook in order to beat Mia Love in the 4th Congressional District race.—
Utah Policy
KRCL talks with me about the political extremism of the Lafferty brothers and how their extreme politics have become mainstream since their infamous crimes of 1984.—
Gay marriage advocate Kate Kendell of the National Council for Lesbian Rights says Supreme Court should decide Utah's same-sex marriage case.—
Holly Richardson considers when its appropriate to intervene as the United State re-engages in Iraq to conduct air strikes on ISIS.
“The nation is war-weary. We hear loud cries of “Get the h-e-double-hockeysticks out” of foreign entanglements. Or, “We can’t be the world’s policeman.”
On the other hand, why should we tolerate or appease genocidal maniacs bent on death and destruction? Do we step in when people are dying of thirst because to get water is to die? Do we step in when 1600 people are executed in one YouTube video, instead of 1500?”—
Utah Politico Hub
The Long View
Unrest grows among staff and others about the Salt Lake City Prosecutor's Office, under the leadership of Padma Veeru-Collings. Judge John Baxter who presides over Salt Lake City's homeless court says Veeru-Collings has become inflexible in her sentencing guidelines.
“Baxter, who founded Salt Lake City's homeless court, says that the prosecutor's office's approach to the "proportionality" of fines—with regard to offers reflecting the dollar value of the crimes—has changed, and gives an example of how in two hypothetical retail thefts.
One theft is of a can of beer, valued $2, the other a $400 car stereo, stolen by a defendant intending to pawn it to pay for meth. In his experience under Gill, Baxter says, the beer thief "may have received an offer for less than the full standard bail amount." But under Veeru-Collings, the recommendation is always for the set bail schedule for a retail theft, which is $680, "without consideration of the value stolen," Baxter says.”—
Salt Lake City Weekly