Local Releases: The Other Cyber Friday Tunes | Buzz Blog
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Local Releases: The Other Cyber Friday Tunes

Brand new music from Icy Blu, Deathblow, Fief and more.


Hey kids. We're still in what I would call "recovery mode" from the holiday; there are no official release shows this week. There is one mixtape release party you can check out at this link here, but it's basically a mix of sampled materials and original tracks from that label, so it kinda falls short of qualifying. So this week all we have for you are online releases, but that's cool, because it's still new music. Thumb your way through the digital discography this week, and we'll chat with you next week.


Icy Blu - Sunny Skies & Dark Nights
Attack The Sunset - Back To Square One
Valentine & The Regard - Car Wreck
Novos + Clavicles  - Clavos - Is This Modern Life (EP)
Rile - Ethereal Existence (EP)
Tiny Tiger / Emma Park - 12 Thru One Four (EP)


Deathblow - Demolition Deployment (EP)
Darkus R. - SDP Album 4 - Elements (EP)
Aurune - Voyager (A Soundscape to Agartha)
American Disillusion - E M P T Y A I S L E S
Eucci - Land's End
Dennis Fuller - Denney Fuller & His Elaborate Elves Present: It's Christmas Again ! ? !


Woodpeckers International - Like a Wet Blanket
Matt Starling - Erik Satie: Selected Works for Piano
Delta Theory - A Precious Paradox
Kotton and the Kaptive - The Laconic Automaton
Fief - II
Lifeless Drive - Infinity


Love music, head out, buy local!