Stephen Dark
Graffiti that appeared on Main Street the morning of the inauguration of President Donald Trump.
Main Street Salt Lake City woke up today not only to the inauguration of the 45th President of the United States but also to find someone had spray-painted a murderous instruction on the windows of a long-empty store between 300 and 400 South Main.
A crime scene tech from SLCPD was on site around 11:15 a.m. taking pictures.
With Donald Trump officially president, what charges such an incitement would receive are unclear.
Salt Lake City Police Department's Detective Richard Chipping said a KUTV employee had called it in around 10:30 a.m. Their offices are directly across the street from the graffiti, the garish bright colors of which are difficult to miss.
"It definitely can be considered as a threat," Detective Chipping says. A case has been opened and officers are investigating, he added.
Graffiti The PD has notified a company that removes graffiti of the two-window instruction and Chipping anticipated it would be removed soon.
Five years ago or so, the city installed a camera several doors down from the one-time store to monitor street activity, but Chipping didn't know if that was still working or accessible to the department in terms of identifying the perpetrator.