Movie Reviews: Ocean's 8, Hereditary, Hotel Artemis and First Reformed | Buzz Blog
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Movie Reviews: Ocean's 8, Hereditary, Hotel Artemis and First Reformed

Mary Shelley, On Chesil Beach, Zoo


A few different kinds of horror highlight this weekend at the movies, from the story behind Frankenstein  to spiritual torment to a family facing actual supernatural terrors—all that, plus a new Ocean heist.

The heist caper Ocean's 8  (pictured) can't turn its list of genre ingredients into a delightful dish. First-time writer/director Ari Aster shows all the right moves in the chilling horror tale Hereditary. Blah blah blah Hotel Artemis. The female empowerment elements in the biopic Mary Shelley wind up overwhelmed by rote prestige drama trappings. A fact-based tale of adolescents rescuing a baby elephant in WWII-era Belfast makes for a satisfying portrait of friendship and decency in Zoo.

MaryAnn Johanson finds On Chesil Beach's story of a virginal couple's traumatic wedding night making the ostensibly tragic seem ridiculous.

In this week's feature review, David Riedel finds brilliance in Paul Schrader's tackling of his favored themes of faith and obsession in First Reformed.