Movie Reviews: Christopher Robin, The Darkest Minds, Spy Who Dumped Me | Buzz Blog
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Movie Reviews: Christopher Robin, The Darkest Minds, Spy Who Dumped Me


A strange new take on Winnie the Pooh, espionage farce and supernatural young-adult romance hit multiplexes as summer movie season begins to wind down.

Christopher Robin (pictured) provides a curious mix of sad-dad plot, frantic action and melancholy tone. The Darkest Minds never fleshes out its post-apocalyptic world of super-powered kids.

Eric D. Snider notes that the disposable action comedy The Spy Who Dumped Me proves mediocrity is not bound by gender.

In this week's feature, a look at some early 2018 performances that shouldn't be forgotten come awards time.

Also opening this week, but not reviewed: Dinesh D'Souza's pro-Trump screed Death of a Nation, because fuck that guy.