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Orrin You Glad I'm Leaving?
Remembering Orrin Hatch's reign at the (merciful) end of his 41-year senatorial career.
By Kelan Lyons
In his first U.S. Senate campaign, Orrin Hatch castigated his incumbent opponent with a joke: "What do you call a senator who's served in office for 18 years? You call him home."
Hatch won that race in 1976. More than four decades later, he's still serving.
Hatch—a walking, breathing, living (?) argument for term limits—is calling himself home at the end of this year, ending the political career of the longest-serving Republican senator in U.S. history. It's difficult to conceptualize just how long 41 years is, so City Weekly is eulogizing Hatch's run with a list of fads, inventions and cultural touchstones that his politicking has outlived.

Thing: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Year: 1977
How long Hatch had been in office by that time: 4 months
Notable event from that year: Elvis' death.

Thing: Sony Walkman
Year: First released in 1979
How long Hatch had been in office by that time: 2 years
Notable event from that year: Iran Hostage Crisis.

Thing: Care Bears
Year: First painted in 1981
How long Hatch had been in office by that time: 4 years
Notable event from that year: Sandra Day O'Connor becomes first female justice on the U.S. Supreme Court.

Thing: Nintendo Entertainment System
Year: Released in North America in 1985
How long Hatch had been in office by that time: 8 years
Notable event from that year: Route 66 is removed from the U.S. highway system.

Thing: Straight Outta Compton, NWA's first album
Year: 1988
How long Hatch had been in office by that time: 11 years (he probably hasn't listened to it)
Notable event from that year: George H.W. Bush is elected president.

Thing: Friends TV show
Year: Premiered in 1994
How long Hatch had been in office by that time: 17 years
Notable event from that year: Nelson Mandela becomes president of South Africa.

Thing: Pokémon cards
Year: Released in the U.S. in 1999
How long Hatch had been in office by that time: 22 years
Notable event from that year: Senate acquits Bill Clinton.

Thing: Crocs foam clogs
Year: First public appearance in 2002
How long Hatch had been in office by that time: 25 years
Notable event from that year: Salt Lake City hosts the Winter Olympics.

Thing: Straight Outta Compton, the movie
Year: Released in 2015
How Long Hatch had been in office by that time: 38 years
Notable event from that year: Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage.

Thing: Pokémon Go
Year: Released in 2016
How long Hatch had been in office by that time: 39 years
Notable event from that year: Donald Trump is the 45th man elected president of the United States.